This stylesheet processor is used for customizing and visualizing the outputs from yesWorkflow. It requires three input files: template file (F)
, graph data yaml file (G)
, and stylesheet yaml file (S)
. It can produce a valid dot file (D)
The current template syntax supports 3 different directives (placeholders):
(1) LOADDIRECTIVES (LoadStyleSheet
, LoadData
, ApplyEdgeStyle
, Edges
A directives statement is denoted by a starttag ({%
) and an endtag (%}
(1) Download the Stylesheet Processor Project
to your local machine which runs linux-family operating system.
(2) Install docopt
library from
(3) Install Graphviz
visualization software from
The example input files are in the directory (src/resources/examples/simulate_data_collection/input/
). The example template file is (combinedDotTemplate.gv
), the example graph data yaml file is (combined.yaml
), and the example stylesheet yaml file is (stylesheet.yaml
) .
(1) Go to the installation folder:
cd StylesheetProcessorProject/
(2) To display the help menu: ./ --help
Stylesheet Processor
yasp graph <input-directory> <template-file-name> <output-directory> <output-file-name>
yasp open <file-name>
yasp dot2pdf <output-directory> <dot-file-name> <pdf-file-name>
yasp [--help]
yasp [--version]
(3) To generate a dot graph:
./ graph src/resources/examples/simulate_data_collection/input/ combinedDotTemplate.gv output comb2.gv
(4) To open a file:
./ open output/comb2.gv
(5) To transform a dot file to a pdf file:
./ dot2pdf output comb2.gv comb_gray.pdf
(6) To open the generated pdf file:
./ open output/comb_gray.pdf
(1) Go to the folder ([src/resources/examples/simulate_data_collection/input/
] ( and open the (stylesheet.yaml
) file
(2) Change the color for the AtomicProgramNodes from Gray to Yellow.
Gray color: node.AtomicProgramNodes: {shape: box, style: filled, fillcolor: "gray", peripheries: 1, fontname: Courier}
Yellow color: node.AtomicProgramNodes: {shape: box, style: filled, fillcolor: "yellow", peripheries: 1, fontname: Courier}
(3) Save the changes.
(4) Go to the root folder of the project, run
./ graph src/resources/examples/simulate_data_collection/input/ combinedDotTemplate.gv output comb-yellow.gv
(5) The generated dot file comb-yellow.gv
is located in the output/
(1) Display Yellow color image (comb_yellow.pdf
(2) Display Gray color image (comb_gray.pdf
(3) Display Blue color image (comb_blue.pdf
(4) Display Green color image (comb_green.pdf
(5) Display Orange color image (comb_orange.pdf
(6) Display Shape image (comb_invhouse.pdf