Revamped AMX Mod X Experience Mod (originated from Sven Coop Experience Mod [SCXPM] redesign for Sven Co-op 5)
I copy and pasted some of the code, and used other's code as an example for design. A lot of work was done myself and is continually being done. Silencer is the original author of SCXPM, Exolent is the original author of the Shop API, and to anyone else whose work I have used I thank you.
xpm_xp_system.sma original Sven Coop Experience Mod (SCXPM) concept and experience calculations by Silencer and others
shop_api.sma Original Shop API concept by Exolent
- AMX Mod X 1.8.2 or greater
- Shop API (modified Shop API script is included in this repository for use with mods other than Counter-Strike 1.6)
- Debug Helper script (included in this repository)
- Plugins: Make sure debug_helper.amxx is loaded first, and shop_api.amxx is loaded before any other plugins which use the "register_skill" function.
- shop_api.amxx will generate the shop.cfg and shop_gen.cfg file with the cvars in them. If you install new plugins after the initial load, you will need to delete shop.cfg and shop_gen.cfg to re-create the configuration files with the updated information.