Measure your seismicity with SeismoStats, a Python package for seismicity analysis.
We are actively working on a first stable version of SeismoStats
. The API is not final yet and will still change until the first release coming in the next months. We are happy to receive feedback and suggestions for improvement.
# just use a basic virtual environment
python3 -m venv env
# activate it
source env/bin/activate
# update build tools
pip install -U pip wheel setuptools
# install this package + requirements + development requirements ([dev])
pip install -e '.[dev]'
# run tests
# use it locally, being able to switch back and forth doing changes
# enter this in your other environment
pip install -e ../path/to/catalog-tools
# if you don't need to do live changes in catalog-tools you can install it "from source"
pip install git+
# if you want to install a specific branch:
pip install git+
# update it once the repo has changed:
pip install --force-reinstall git+