DWM is my favorite window manager by far due to its simplicity, portability, and low resource usage. However, it requires a decent amount of tweaking if you want to be able to use it for standard tasks. That's what I've aimed to do here, creating a user-friendly environment and memorable keybinds.
X11, Xinerama, xcb, freetype
Run ./configure
to properly set up config.mk
make && sudo make install
gmake && doas gmake install
dwmblocks (statuscmd)
dwmblocks (SIGUSR1)
bar layout symbol -- show window layout in status bar
bar status -- show status in bar
bar tag symbols -- show tag symbols in bar
bar window title -- show window title in bar
bar alpha -- semi-transparency on bar
bar hide vacant tags -- hide tags with no windows
attach aside -- add new windows to stack instead of master
cool autostart -- execute commands on start and have processes owned by dwm
dwmc -- use dwmc program to execute dwm commands (for scriptability)
fullscreen -- applies monocle layout on active window and hides bar
moveresize -- resize dwm windows with keybinds
movestack -- allows to move windows in stack and to become master
no transparent borders -- make window borders always solid
scratchpads -- allow for scratchpad terminals
swallow -- hide terminal window when it spawns a window and freezes itself (not working on OpenBSD)
togglefullscreen -- use a keybind to make a window fullscreen or not
vanitygaps -- add gaps between all windows
All keybinds can be found by running man dwm
, but here are the important ones:
Super + Enter
- Spawn terminal (st)Super + Shift + Enter
- Toggle scratchpad terminalSuper + h/l
- Shrink/enlarge master windowSuper + d
- dmenu_run (program launcher)Super + q
- Kill windowSuper + b
- Toggle status barSuper + f
- Toggle fullscreenSuper + m
- Set window as masterSuper + o/O
- Increase/decrease number of mastersSuper + j/k
- Move focus down/upSuper + J/K
- Move window in stack down/upSuper + E
,Super + Q
- Kill DWMSuper + Space
- Set all windows to Floating modeSuper + [Arrow]
- Move window in direction of arrow pressedSuper + Shift + [Arrow]
- Expand/shrink window in direction of arrow pressed