Slides are taken from
- 50000 Orange Stickies Later by Alberto Brandolini (video)
- Know the Flow by Martin Schimak (video)
- Fast and low overhead method for collaboratively discovering a business domain and enabling decision making, like
- Identify core domain: Buy or make?
- Bottlenecks and pain points? Manual workarounds possible?
- Context boundaries?
- Building blocks?
- Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
- enable conversations
- empower people
- create a shared mental model
- (Domain) Event + (Brain) Storming
- Conceived by Alberto Brandolini, still evolving
- "Is the problem they want solved the problem that needs to be solved?"
- Social problem
- "If only we had asked Bob..."
- Scrum doesn't help
Round-robin interviews with all domain experts not ideal
- Rashomon: One crime, four versions of the truth
- Avoid being the detective: let all stakeholders figure out the truth collaboratively
Blockers, bottlenecks, pain points
Context boundaries
- cluster on timeline
- triggered by potentially a single command
- ends potentially with a single event
- language different from other clusters
- different stakeholders
Read a summary of the workshop
- low zoom events, birds eye view
- emerging model
- defer consensus
- identify probing opportunities
- "throw away the model"
We need variations for less complex scenarios
Policies might also represent context boundaries
An example of process modelling
- 45 minute experiment by Team Turtlez
- three different flows of order fulfillment: FFC 2.0, FFC 1.0, DHL (trivialized)
- understanding of whole process is vague
- maybe an interesting experiment: are policies on the correct zoom level?
- Scope is heavily constrained
- Identify patterns, good practices
- Consensus is needed
- maybe keep the model
Problem: Customer wants to change her email address in online shop
Disclaimer: Not the original model, just a reconstruction
Pattern: Command, Aggregate (with invariants), Event
Pattern repeats itself...model emerges
Rethinking aggregates, introducing read models
Success - a lot of new discoveries
A model that could almost be implemented
- Scrum Masters - an interesting methodology for your tool-belt that improves refinements
- Product Owners - don't be the detective: let your team and your stakeholders meet regularly
- Developers - take event and policy zoom levels into account when before creating new microservices