- 2.1. Iframe feature
- 2.1.1. Open links in an iframe in the current page
- 2.1.2. iframe warnings
- 2.1.3. load local pages inside the iframe
- 2.2. Sound Audio Features
- 2.2.1. mute button
- 2.2.2. mute sound if player goes AFK
- 2.3. Sections and surveys feature
- 2.3.1. show section
- 2.3.2. add survey
- 2.4. Traffic log features
- 2.4.1. Traffic log
- 2.4.2. Traffic resume by email
- 2.5. Graphic features
- 2.5.1. different resolution background images
- 2.5.2. force scale and offset
- 2.5.3. perspective mode
- 2.5.4. animated background
- 2.6. Other improvements
- 2.6.1. Join and Leave functions for any room
- 2.6.2. Define actions on NPC clicks
- 2.6.3. Define actions in text commands
- 2.6.4. definepre and post action
- 2.6.5. Debug more accesible
- 2.1. Iframe feature
- 3.1. Image licenses
- 3.2. Music licenses
The tiniest MMORPG. Choose an avatar and hang out with your friends in a virtual version of La Barricuda.
This project is an extension of original likelike by molleindustria and is commisioned by arsGames
Look here for basic usage instructions.
Aventuras visuales is an avant garde cinema school and collective in Madrid (Spain). This is a virtual tribute to 'La Barricuda', their beloved local where the workshops took place, which closed years ago, in 2009.
Now you can define a link to open in an iframe inside the current page instead of open it in a new tab. For this, add this attribute in the command definition (valid for areas and things):
iframe: true
In example:
h0066ff: { cmd: "text", iframe: true, label: "myLabel", point: [62, 77], txt: 'Intro text', lines: 1, url: "https://www.whatever.com" }
Be careful to check if the url selected allow iframes.
You can put html pages in the public folder and load them inside the iframe.
Some basic sound features were added.
A button to switch on/off the audio.
A new function to switch on/off audio if player goes Away From Keyboard. This happens when players change their browser tab and also when a player interacts with some iframed content.
Look at clientMod.js to see how to define a survey. It allows normal inputs, checkbox selectors (with and without images) and radio selectors. Surveys html are auto generated inside a section element added in the index.html.
You can define a function to receive the form answers after been executed, declare it in clientMod and reference it in the postAction attribute when defining the survey.
If log feature is activated, the answers will be recorded in the log.
Add this to .env file:
A log file will be created in /logs. It will register the following actions in a csv file.
server start
timestamp (ISO format), 'serverStart'
user login:
timeStamp (ISO format), userID, 'join', user name, starting room name, IP address
user change room:
timeStamp (ISO format), userID, 'room', new room name
user focus:
timeStamp (ISO format), userID, 'focus'
user blur:
timeStamp (ISO format), userID, 'blur'
user disconnect:
timeStamp (ISO format), userID, 'disconnect'
You should activate Traffic log feature for this to work!!!
Add this to .env file to activate this feature:
MAILHOST=SMTP ongoing server
MAILUSER=mail login
[email protected]
[email protected]
TIMEZONE is optional, "GMT" is the default. Look here for available timezones. This is important to sync cron tasks with your server locale time.
A cron task will rename log file at 00:00AM to match current date.
Also, on every reset and during the daily task, a collect data function will run.
The data collect function will merge all the logs in one global log. You can find an updated copy of the data in:
The global.json will be sent by email if SENDLOG is set to true
You can run this collect event at any time by using the '/collect' or '/c' admin command.
Adding this to the room declaration in the data file, you can bypass the 128x100 rule
bgScale: 1,
bgResolution: [256, 200],
Force scale and offset to modify the appearance of things in the room.
I found a bug in the depthOffset calculation and fixed it to make it scale dependant. Now depth drawing will work with sprites in different scales.
In 'hall' room, look how i set the 'mesa' thing with a fixed offset of 10. Also the depth with the column will work at different avatarScales.
Look at 'sillas' things in the 'classroom' room. Each one uses a different scale and the scene profit from the bug fixed. You can change avatarScale and the depth calculation still works fine.
You can define a special function to calculate player scales for each room. This does not affect things, as they are expected to be static. Use scale and offset to align things in perspective. The debug mode draw is very helpfull for this, so i added a yellow line to show the depthOffset (it should be the 'feet' of the sprite at any scale)
Walk into 'cave' room to see it working.
Background become a sprite and can be animated. Define animated background adding this property "animations" in the data.js
hall: {
bg: "/barricuda/entrada-spritesheet.png",
frames: 4,
animations: {
bg0000: [0, 4],
bg0001: [4, 4],
bg0010: [8, 4],
frameDelay: 60,
In this format:
animations: {
animName: [startframe, loopDuration (in frames) ]
In our data example you can use the switches in the hall floor to change animation.
Also, if you enter with admin (use 'admin|pass' as name) you can change bg animation by calling this command:
/on 1001
or any combination of 4 binary digits, related to: projector, hall lights, classroom lights, cave lights
change animation in bg:
module.exports.setBgAnimagion = function (animationName) {
// emit to all clients
io.sockets.emit('changeBgAnim', animationName);
This feature is a Work In Progress.
You can declare anyRoomJoin and anyRoomLeave functions in your serverMod file and they will be executed when entering and leaving any room, so you don't need to copypaste lots of code anymore.
You can define actions to be triggered when clicking NPCs. In this example, clicking the 'divulgadorNpc will execute onDivulgador function, if it exist in your serverMod file.
var divulgadorNpc = new NPC({
id: "divulgador",
nickName: "divulgador",
room: "r02Entrada",
x: 64,
y: 81,
avatar: 1,
colors: [2, 2, 1, 5],
labelColor: "#1e839d",
actionId: "Divulgador"
You can define an action inside a text command, to be executed at the time of running the command, or add the postAction attribute to force the execution after closing the text.
hff00ff: { cmd: "text", txt: "some text", lines: 1, postAction: true, actionId: "MyAction", label: "click me", point: [65, 95], obstacle: false },
This example runs onMyAction function after the text is closed. onMyAction function must be declared in your serverMod file.
When defining actions associated to a text command, now you can select whether the action has to be executed before or after the text command is executed. For this you can set the attribute 'postAction' to true in the cmd definition
hff00ff: { cmd: "text", txt: "some text", lines: 1, postAction: true, actionId: "MyAction", label: "click me", point: [65, 95], obstacle: false },
In client.js you will find these selectors. Just set them to true.
var QUICK_LOGIN = false;
var DEBUG_CLICKS = false;
var DEBUG_SPRITES = false;
var DEBUG_CONSOLE = false;
DEBUG_CONSOLE will mute the console output (it's better for performance)
You can also mute server console by adding a .env variable
You can use DEBUGMAILTO variable in .env to define a mail for debug or admin alerts.
Put this line in the code to send an admin alert by mail.
mailer.sendDebugMail('your debug mail subject here', 'Your mail content here');
Code licensed under a GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1.
hall, classroom and cave images by Carlos Padial CC-by-nc
desert images from https://cocomaterial.com/
Iced Earth, by Dragan Espenschied CC-by-nc
Procrastination Polka by Dragan Espenschied CC-by-nc
Zombie & Mummy Theme by Dragan Espenschied CC-by-nc
Dragan Espenschied https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Dragan_Espenschied#contact-artist