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feat: add support for conversion between CSS named colors (#10)
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- Create the cssNamedColors.js module to handle and store the CSS named colors and some helpers functions
- Add computeColorDistance inside conversion.js module to calculate the Euclidean between two RGB colors
- Add rgbToNamedColor inside conversion.js module to handle conversion of RGB color to its nearest CSS named color
- Update the serialize.js module to handle CSS named colors
- Add unit tests for rgbToNamedColor inside convertion.spec.js
- Add unit tests for parsing CSS named color inside serializer.spec.js
- Add method Colorus.toNamed() to convert into CSS named color in Colorus class
- Add type definitions for Colorus.toNamed() method in main.d.ts
  • Loading branch information
supitsdu authored Jun 10, 2024
1 parent 5b01531 commit 3e5b6a2
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Showing 7 changed files with 255 additions and 3 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions @types/main.d.ts
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Expand Up @@ -160,6 +160,16 @@ declare module 'colorus-js' {
toCmyk(options?: FormatOptions): string

* Convert the current color to the nearest CSS named color.
* @see
* @returns The nearest CSS named color.
* @example
* const color = new Colorus('#f00')
* color.toNamed() // Returns: 'red'
toNamed(): string

* Mixes the current color with another color.
* @param input The color to mix with.
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31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions src/conversion.js
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@@ -1,6 +1,37 @@
import CSSNamedColors from './cssNamedColors'
import { Clamp, Round, eightBit } from './colorNormalizer'
import { hexString } from './helpers'

* Calculates the Euclidean distance between two RGB colors.
* @param {object} primary - The first RGB color string.
* @param {object} secondary - The second RGB color string.
* @return {number} The distance between the two colors.
export const computeColorDistance = ({ r: r1, g: g1, b: b1 }, { r: r2, g: g2, b: b2 }) =>
Math.sqrt(Math.pow(r1 - r2, 2) + Math.pow(g1 - g2, 2) + Math.pow(b1 - b2, 2))

* Converts RGB values to the nearest CSS named color.
* @param {object} color - The RGB color object.
* @return {string} The name of the color.
export function rgbToNamedColor({ r, g, b }) {
let closestColor = undefined
let shortestDistance = Infinity

for (const [name, color] of Object.entries(CSSNamedColors.colors)) {
const distance = computeColorDistance({ r, g, b }, hexToRgb(color))

if (distance < shortestDistance) {
shortestDistance = distance
closestColor = name

return closestColor

* Calculates the hue component of an HSV color object.
* @param {object} rgb - An RGB color object.
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161 changes: 161 additions & 0 deletions src/cssNamedColors.js
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@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
const CSSNamedColors = {
colors: {
aliceblue: 'f0f8ff',
antiquewhite: 'faebd7',
aqua: '00ffff',
aquamarine: '7fffd4',
azure: 'f0ffff',
beige: 'f5f5dc',
bisque: 'ffe4c4',
black: '000000',
blanchedalmond: 'ffebcd',
blue: '0000ff',
blueviolet: '8a2be2',
brown: 'a52a2a',
burlywood: 'deb887',
cadetblue: '5f9ea0',
chartreuse: '7fff00',
chocolate: 'd2691e',
coral: 'ff7f50',
cornflowerblue: '6495ed',
cornsilk: 'fff8dc',
crimson: 'dc143c',
cyan: '00ffff',
darkblue: '00008b',
darkcyan: '008b8b',
darkgoldenrod: 'b8860b',
darkgray: 'a9a9a9',
darkgreen: '006400',
darkgrey: 'a9a9a9',
darkkhaki: 'bdb76b',
darkmagenta: '8b008b',
darkolivegreen: '556b2f',
darkorange: 'ff8c00',
darkorchid: '9932cc',
darkred: '8b0000',
darksalmon: 'e9967a',
darkseagreen: '8fbc8f',
darkslateblue: '483d8b',
darkslategray: '2f4f4f',
darkslategrey: '2f4f4f',
darkturquoise: '00ced1',
darkviolet: '9400d3',
deeppink: 'ff1493',
deepskyblue: '00bfff',
dimgray: '696969',
dimgrey: '696969',
dodgerblue: '1e90ff',
firebrick: 'b22222',
floralwhite: 'fffaf0',
forestgreen: '228b22',
fuchsia: 'ff00ff',
gainsboro: 'dcdcdc',
ghostwhite: 'f8f8ff',
gold: 'ffd700',
goldenrod: 'daa520',
gray: '808080',
green: '008000',
greenyellow: 'adff2f',
grey: '808080',
honeydew: 'f0fff0',
hotpink: 'ff69b4',
indianred: 'cd5c5c',
indigo: '4b0082',
ivory: 'fffff0',
khaki: 'f0e68c',
lavender: 'e6e6fa',
lavenderblush: 'fff0f5',
lawngreen: '7cfc00',
lemonchiffon: 'fffacd',
lightblue: 'add8e6',
lightcoral: 'f08080',
lightcyan: 'e0ffff',
lightgoldenrodyellow: 'fafad2',
lightgray: 'd3d3d3',
lightgreen: '90ee90',
lightgrey: 'd3d3d3',
lightpink: 'ffb6c1',
lightsalmon: 'ffa07a',
lightseagreen: '20b2aa',
lightskyblue: '87cefa',
lightslategray: '778899',
lightslategrey: '778899',
lightsteelblue: 'b0c4de',
lightyellow: 'ffffe0',
lime: '00ff00',
limegreen: '32cd32',
linen: 'faf0e6',
magenta: 'ff00ff',
maroon: '800000',
mediumaquamarine: '66cdaa',
mediumblue: '0000cd',
mediumorchid: 'ba55d3',
mediumpurple: '9370db',
mediumseagreen: '3cb371',
mediumslateblue: '7b68ee',
mediumspringgreen: '00fa9a',
mediumturquoise: '48d1cc',
mediumvioletred: 'c71585',
midnightblue: '191970',
mintcream: 'f5fffa',
mistyrose: 'ffe4e1',
moccasin: 'ffe4b5',
navajowhite: 'ffdead',
navy: '000080',
oldlace: 'fdf5e6',
olive: '808000',
olivedrab: '6b8e23',
orange: 'ffa500',
orangered: 'ff4500',
orchid: 'da70d6',
palegoldenrod: 'eee8aa',
palegreen: '98fb98',
paleturquoise: 'afeeee',
palevioletred: 'db7093',
papayawhip: 'ffefd5',
peachpuff: 'ffdab9',
peru: 'cd853f',
pink: 'ffc0cb',
plum: 'dda0dd',
powderblue: 'b0e0e6',
purple: '800080',
rebeccapurple: '663399',
red: 'ff0000',
rosybrown: 'bc8f8f',
royalblue: '4169e1',
saddlebrown: '8b4513',
salmon: 'fa8072',
sandybrown: 'f4a460',
seagreen: '2e8b57',
seashell: 'fff5ee',
sienna: 'a0522d',
silver: 'c0c0c0',
skyblue: '87ceeb',
slateblue: '6a5acd',
slategray: '708090',
slategrey: '708090',
snow: 'fffafa',
springgreen: '00ff7f',
steelblue: '4682b4',
tan: 'd2b48c',
teal: '008080',
thistle: 'd8bfd8',
tomato: 'ff6347',
turquoise: '40e0d0',
violet: 'ee82ee',
wheat: 'f5deb3',
white: 'ffffff',
whitesmoke: 'f5f5f5',
yellow: 'ffff00',
yellowgreen: '9acd32'
pattern: {}

CSSNamedColors.pattern.lastIndex = 0
CSSNamedColors.pattern.exec = input => {
const match = CSSNamedColors.colors[input]
return match != undefined ? [match] : null

export default CSSNamedColors
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/main.js
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Expand Up @@ -110,6 +110,12 @@ export class Colorus {
toCmyk = options => new ColorFormatter(options).cmyk(this.cmyk)

* Converts the current color to its nearest CSS named color representation.
* @return {string} The CSS named color.
toNamed = () => conversion.rgbToNamedColor(this.rgb)

* Mixes the current color with another color.
* @param {string|Object} input - The color to mix with.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,3 +206,5 @@ export class Colorus {
return new Colorus(compose.rgbToGray(this.rgb, useNTSCFormula))

// console.log(new Colorus('aliceblue').rgb)
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions src/serialize.js
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@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { Clamp } from './colorNormalizer'
import { cmykToRgb, hexToRgb, hslToRgb, hsvToRgb } from './conversion'
import CSSNamedColors from './cssNamedColors'
import { isCmykObject, isHslObject, isHsvObject, isRgbObject, nao, padString } from './helpers'

const colorPatterns = [
Expand All @@ -10,15 +11,17 @@ const colorPatterns = [
['named', CSSNamedColors.pattern]

const colorParsers = {
hex: match => hexToRgb(padString(match[1])),
rgb: match => ({ r: Number(match[1]), g: Number(match[2]), b: Number(match[3]), a: Number(match[4]) || 1 }),
hsl: match => ({ h: Number(match[1]), s: Number(match[2]), l: Number(match[3]), a: Number(match[4]) || 1 }),
hsv: match => ({ h: Number(match[1]), s: Number(match[2]), v: Number(match[3]), a: Number(match[4]) || 1 }),
cmyk: match => ({ c: Number(match[1]), m: Number(match[2]), y: Number(match[3]), k: Number(match[4]), a: Number(match[5]) || 1 })
cmyk: match => ({ c: Number(match[1]), m: Number(match[2]), y: Number(match[3]), k: Number(match[4]), a: Number(match[5]) || 1 }),
named: match => hexToRgb(match[0])

const colorSerializers = {
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25 changes: 24 additions & 1 deletion test/conversion.spec.js
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { rgbToHex, hexToRgb, hslToHsv, hsvToHsl, rgbToHsv, hsvToRgb, hslToRgb } from '../src/conversion'
import { rgbToHex, hexToRgb, hslToHsv, hsvToHsl, rgbToHsv, hsvToRgb, hslToRgb, rgbToNamedColor } from '../src/conversion'

describe('rgbToHex()', () => {
const validRgb = { r: 100, g: 200, b: 30 }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -355,3 +355,26 @@ describe('hslToRgb', () => {

describe('rgbToNamedColor', () => {
it('converts a red color from RGB to CSS named color correctly', () => {
const input = { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1 }
const named = rgbToNamedColor(input)


it('converts a green color from RGB to CSS named color correctly', () => {
const input = { r: 0, g: 128, b: 0, a: 1 }
const named = rgbToNamedColor(input)


it('converts a blue color from RGB to CSS named color correctly', () => {
const input = { r: 0, g: 0, b: 255, a: 1 }
const named = rgbToNamedColor(input)

16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions test/serializer.spec.js
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Expand Up @@ -157,6 +157,14 @@ describe('parse function', () => {

it('should parse CSS named color string', () => {
const input = 'red'
const expectedOutput = { colorType: 'named', colorObject: { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1 } }
const result = parse(input)

it('should return null for invalid color string', () => {
const input = 'invalid color string'
const result = parse(input)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,6 +195,14 @@ describe('fromUserInput function', () => {

it('should parse and serialize CSS named color string input', () => {
const input = 'aliceblue'
const expectedOutput = { colorType: 'named', colorObject: { r: 240, g: 248, b: 255, a: 1 } }
const result = fromUserInput(input)

it('should parse and serialize color object input', () => {
const input = { r: 255, g: 0, b: 128 }
const expectedOutput = { colorType: 'rgb', colorObject: { r: 255, g: 0, b: 128, a: 1 } }
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