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Mingtao edited this page Nov 10, 2020
42 revisions
Command | Description |
Ctrl+a | Go to start of a line |
Ctrl+e | Go to end of a line |
Ctrl+k | Delete rest of line |
Ctrl+w | Delete a word |
Ctrl+u | Delete a line |
sudo -i | Become root user |
mv a.txt b txt | rename a.txt to b.txt |
mkdir -p a/b | Create subdirectory when folder a doesn't exist |
lpr a.txt | Print out a.txt |
lpstat -p | Check available printers |
head -5 a.txt | Show first 5 lines of the file |
tail -5 a.txt | Show last 5 lines of the file |
sort a.txt | Sort the file |
uniq a.txt | Remove duplicate line of the file |
tar -cvf a.tar folder | Archive into a tar file |
tar -xvzf a.tar.gz | Extract tar.gz or tgz file |
locate *.java | File file on local system |
ln -s source dest | Create a soft link from source to dest hard link vs soft link |
touch a.txt | Create empty file, if a.txt exists, change its last modified date |
cat a.txt | wc -w | Count the words in the file |
cat a.txt | wc -l | Count the lines in the file |
diff -u a.txt b.txt | Check difference between two files |
ls -ail | list all files (including hidden files) (a), inode (i), and permission (l) |
rm -rf folder | delete folder and all its contents |
sudo chown newowner file | change owner |
sudo chmod 755 file | change permission 775 explain |
groups | which group you belong to |
whoami | current user |
echo "hello world" > a.txt | easiest way to create a file |
echo "hello world" >> a.txt | Append contents to a file |
tail -f a.txt & | Run the command in background |
source ~/.bash_profile | refresh the bash_profile after editing it |
history | tail | list recent command history |
export PS1='\w: ' | Change prompt to full path |
export CDPATH=.: |
Define the base directory |
cd - | swap between current and previous directory |
ps -ef | grep ndp | Find processes that contain 'ndp' |
ps aux | grep ndp | Find processes that contain 'ndp' ? |
find . -type f -size +30M -exec ls -lh {} + | List files larger than 30M with human readable size |
du -sh /var | check size of the folder |
cat /not_exist_file 2> FILE | Redirect STERR to file |
cat /not_exist_file &> FILE | Redirect both STDOUT and STERR to file |
cat /exist_file /not_exist_file |& grep "a" | Redirect both STDOUT and STERR through a pipe |
echo '' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts | Append contents to a file requiring sudo privilege |
Simple SCP example
scp msun@hammer:banjo-dev.sql .
Copy from remote server to local current folder (recursive and forceful)
scp -rf msun@hammer:/export/home/msun/ .
Find all java files under current directory
find . -name *.java
Find .svn directory (-type d), then remove them and all their contents. Not sure what {} \ is for
find . -type d -name .svn -exec rm -rf {} \;
Find msun directory (-type d), search text 'sunmingtao' recursively (-r) in the msun folder
find . -type d -name msun -exec grep -r 'sunmingtao' {} \;
search text 'SUNMINGTAO' (case insensitive -i) in folder msun recursively (-r)
grep -ir 'SUNMINGTAO' msun
Find the process running on port 8080 and kill it
lsof -i:8080
kill <pid>
Replace text - sed
#Replace first occurrence of 'abc' with ?
echo abcdeabc | sed "s/abc/?/" # print ?deabc
#Replace all occurrences of 'abc' with ?
echo abcdeabc | sed "s/abc/?/g" # print ?de?
Execute the code first in Back quote `
a=echo abc # command not found error
a=`echo abc`
echo $a # print abc
If statement
if [ $RUNENV = "local" ]
echo 'local'
echo 'non local'
Command line arguments
#./run.sh arg1 arg2 arg3
a1 = $1 # a1=arg1
a2 = $2 # a2=arg2
a3 = $3 # a3=arg3
params=$@ # params=arg1 arg2 arg3
number_of_argument = $# # number_of_argument=3
Go to the previous folder with pushd and popd
pushd 1
cd 2
cd 3
popd #back to original folder where pushd 1 was executed
ssh server without password
ssh-keygen # hit enter when prompting for passphrase
ssh-copy-id hammer