Predicting steering angle for self driving car using deep learning
- install ros
- install numpy
- install matplotlib
- install pandas
- put the bag file in the dataset folder with name "dataset.bag"
run roslaunch dataprocess visualise_camera_images.launch
this should launch rviz displaying the camera data.
for generating images from cameras and csv files
run python
this should extract all the images into corresponding folders left, right, center and the folder yaml_files will contain the required csv files, the final_interpolated.csv will contain all image file names with corresponding data (steering angle, acceleration etc.) values.
for only generating image files
run python
this will extract all the images into corresponding folders left, right, center and genrate a text file image_steering_angle.txt with values
for training on center camera images
run python
change the epochs and batch size accordingly
for training using all the three camera images
run python
change the epochs and batch size accordingly
this should load the weights and predict steeering angle on the test data
- The .yaml, .png, .bag files are ignored in git