This is the documentation of my lab results when learning about the docker compose
Docker is one of the tools to use containers, what is containers ? containers is
a lightweight, stand-alone, executable package of a
piece of software that includes everything needed to
run it: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries,
- Containers running on a single machine share that machine's operatng system kernel; they start instantly and use less compute and RAM.
- Images are constructed from flesystem layers and share common fles. his minimizes disk usage and image downloads are much faster.
- Containers are based on open standards and run on all major Linux distributons, Microsof Windows, and on any infrastructure including VMs, bare-metal and in the cloud.
- Docker containers isolate applicatons from one another and from the underlying infrastructure. Docker provides the strongest default isolaton to limit app issues to a single container instead of the entre machine.
For comparison with Virtual machines as we have used, we can see the following picture :
for full documentation, access this
- Virtual Machine with Linux Or Windows (sample using ubuntu 16.04)
- Internet connection
- Requires enthusiasm and patience
- Using Ubuntu
sudo apt -y install
sudo systemctl status docker
- Using CentOs
yum -y install docker
- Using Windows and Mac
- Download File installer this
- Verify Docker install
docker --version
docker version
docker info
- First Applicatons
docker run hello-world
#list images
docker image ls
#show list Container active or inactive
docker container ls -a
- Try another application
docker run docker/whalesay cowsay nameapp
#show image list
docker image ls
Other images, you can see on this