Winnow is a tool that generates relevant subcorpora based on metadata and lists of researcher-generated keywords. Winnow provides researchers with smaller subsets of large collections of texts that they can then analyze via traditional close-reading methods or with out-of-the-box textual analysis tools or custom scripts.
For more implementation details about the tool and its use cases, please see the Wiki.
- Hilary Sun ([email protected]), Winter/Spring/Summer 2019
To run the application, follow the following steps.
You only need to do this installation process once.
Clone the repository, located here: Go into the subcorpora-tool
directory. You can run this command in your terminal:
# Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:ohtap/subcorpora-tool.git
# Enter into the subcorpora-tool directory
cd subcorpora-tool
You can also navigate to the link above and hit the button that says "Code"
Then click download ZIP to download a ZIP file with all the code
The program uses Python 3, so you must have that to use Winnow.
You will also need to download Node.js (which can be done at as well as all of the python packages in requirements.txt
To install the Node modules, run:
npm install
We need to build the static HTML files to display. Run:
npm run build
You do not need to run this command again if you never update the React.js files.
To run the web application locally, run:
npm run start
Currently, this runs the command node index.js
. You should see the line OHTAP Subcorpora Tool launched
in the terminal after running this command if the web application is successfully running locally.
You can then navigate to http://localhost:5000/ in your web browser to see the web application.
Running this command will run any Jest tests in watch mode related to React files changed:
npm test
Running this command will run all Python unit tests for the
python src/
Results will be displayed on the winnow interface. On top of that, csv files will appear in the folder listing. There will be one for each keyword giving usage over time. Another will give you the number of uses of each word. The final will give you demographic data for all interviews that had one of the keywords. Remember that Winnow often turns up false positives, and the data in these csv files is the same. Should not be used beyond as a preliminary summary.
| +--
+-- build # Contains the built static HTML files
+-- data # Contains data files and uploads
| +-- corpus-files # Uploaded corpus text files
| +-- metadata-files # Uploaded metadata CSV files
| +-- runs # Files from runs
| +-- run.json # JSON file containing the data from the last run made
| +-- session.json # JSON file containing all the data from this session
+-- node_modules # Folder containing Node modules
+-- public # Contains default HTML
+-- src # Contains all the React files
| +-- containers # All the React JavaScript files--our frontend code
+-- .gitignore # List of files and folders to ignore
+-- index.js # File containing all of our backend code
+-- LICENSE # MIT license information
+-- package.json # Node modules
+-- package-lock.json # Node modules
+-- # Instructions for the web app