Querystring parser that follows a simple ruleset to form querystrings and them builds the apropiate queries for mongodb databases.
It uses nearley package to create the neccesary grammars to parse.
npm install --save @sugo/mongodb-queryparams
- skip: Number. Used for pagination. Defines how many documents of the result query must be skipped before returing the objects.
- limit: Number. Used for pagination. Defines how many documents can fit in the result set.
- select: String. Used for projection. Defines which fields of the objects must be returned. Useful for optimizing queries. The "-" symbol is used to exclude a field
- sort: String. Used for sorting.
- filter: String. Used for filtering the query.
<field> <field> -<field>...
<field>:<direction> <field>:<direction> <field>:<direction> ...
The Values are parsed to their correspoding types.
- foo:4 -----> { foo: 4 }
- foo:eq:4 -----> { foo: { $eq: 4 } }
- foo:eq:3.4 -----> { foo: { $eq: 3.4 } }
- foo:gte:2018-10-10T10:10:10 -----> { foo: { $eq: new Date('2018-10-10T10:10:10') } }
- foo:eq:2018-10-10 -----> { foo: { $eq: new Date('2018-10-10') } }
- foo:eq:true -----> { foo: { $eq: true } }
- foo:eq:false -----> { foo: { $eq: false } }
- foo:eq:"Foo Fighters is an awesome band" -----> { foo: { $eq: "Foo Fighters is an awesome band" } }
- foo:eq:5c9cac76536b87092f83f52f ----> { foo: { $eq: new mongodb.ObjectId("5c9cac76536b87092f83f52f") } }
- foo:eq:3,4 -----> { foo: { $eq: [3,4] } }
- foo:regex:fighters -----> { foo: { $regex: /fighters/ } }
- foo:iregex:fighters -----> { foo: { $regex: /fighters/i } }
If the value does fit in any of the previous cases, it is parsed as a string
- foo:eq:awesome -----> { foo: { $eq: "awesome" } }
- eq
- ne
- gte
- lte
- gt
- lt
- regex
- iregex (case insensitive regex)
- exists
- in
- nin
- "foo:eq:fighter"
- "foo:gte:fighter"
import MongoDbQueryParams from '@sugo/mongodb-queryparams';
const { filter, sort, limit, select, skip } = MongoDbQueryParams.parseQueryParams({
filter: 'email:eq:hola AND number:eq:4',
sort: 'name:asc email:desc',
limit: 10,
skip: 50,
select: 'name -email number',