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Listing templates

Dilshat edited this page Mar 13, 2018 · 10 revisions

List templates ../list

This REST is used to list templates. It has optional parameters that are used to filter the result set. We have the following combinations:

  1. ../list?owner={owner}
  2. ../list?token={token}
  3. ../list?owner={owner}&token={token}

Listing is performed in this way:

  1. Lists all public templates of the specified owner
  2. Lists all public templates of all users + private templates of the token holder + the templates shared with her
  3. Lists all public templates of the specified user + private templates of the token holder + the templates shared with her

Result set must contain only unique templates and not allow duplicates. That means if a template fits several criteria based on the passed parameter, it must be included into the result set only once.

Note: if version parameter is passed, it is used to further filter the result set by the supplied version.