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emli edited this page Nov 28, 2017 · 31 revisions


Gorjun uses bolt. Bolt an embedded key/value database for Go. Bucket is table in bolt.

Gorjun database directory is /opt/gorjun/data/db/my.db. If it not exist it will created automatically. Before create directory opt/gorjun.

/opt/gorjun/data/files - store all files of project.

Connection timeout of database is 3 seconds.

Tool for DB administration - Keylord

  • MyBucket - store information about all files in Gorjun. Here key - is a file UUID.
  • Users - store all users registered in the system. Key is a username, the value is a bucket with multiple GPG-keys.
  • SearchIndex - store a search index for fast accessing artifacts. Key - filename, value - bucket with files UUIDs.
  • Tokens - store authentication tokens for user sessions. Key - token, value bucket with username and date of creation.
  • AuthID - store AuthID(random string) that user should sign to get token. Key - authID, value - username.
  • Tags - another search index that is used to group templates by tags. Key - tag, value - template UUIDs


db.Update - read-write transactions

db.View - read-only transactions

Writing/Deleting records about file in DB

Gorjun puts all file information to DB and puts all files to /opt/gorjun/data/files.

  1. Associate files with user
  2. Create new record about file and adding search index for files
  3. Add owners, shares and tags to files


  1. How create bucket to new user?

b := tx.Bucket(users).Bucket([]byte(user))

  1. How put keys to user?

b := b.CreateBucketIfNotExists([]byte("keys")) b.Put(key, nil)

Working with Tokens

  1. How to get tokens?

b := tx.Bucket(tokens).Bucket([]byte(token))

As you see above tokens is bucket that store token as key, value bucket with username and date of creation. Token is key.

  1. How to put values?

b.Put([]byte("name"), []byte(name))

b.Put([]byte("date"), now)

  1. How to get date and username for token? After assign bucket to b, we can get value by keys.

