Starter project with good basics for creating a web application using React and GraphQL. Includes:
- Code and folder structure.
- Code formatting and enforcement with eslint, prettier, and husky.
- Base UI elements, error elements, form elements, utils, and services.
- Sign in, sign up, forgot password, reset password, and initial authenticated dashboard view.
- Testing setup with Jest, enzyme, and Cypress.
For a starting API use starter-api-node-graphql.
npm install
npm run dev
npm run test
npm run teste2e
This will open up the cypress GUI where the tests can be run and interacted with.
- React components should ollow the name of the component (CoolComponent.js, OtherComponent.js).
- Files that are directly linked to a component such as utils, styles, and files to grab data should have the name of the component and then be namespaced with a period (e.g. MyButton.scss, MyButton.utils.js,
- Non component related files should be lowercase and dash separated (some-file.js, some-other-file.js).