This extension provides a command to generate a XLF file and its translations from a CSV file.
The typical use case is to provide an online Excel/Google Docs for clients to provide translations which then are converted to XLF files.
composer require studiomitte/csv2xlf
CSV looks like this
"example","This is an example NEW","Das ist ein Beispiel","Ceci est un exemple"
"example2","<![CDATA[<h3>Datenschutzhinweis (bs)</h3>","Das ist ein Beispiel"
With the following requirements:
- The first row is the header
- The header starts with
, followed byen
and afterward the language codes - Default is always
./bin/typo3 csv2xlf:csv2xlf packages/csv2xlf/Resources/Private/Examples/csv2xlf/in.csv packages/csv2xlf/Resources/Private/Examples/csv2xlf/out.xlf
./bin/typo3 csv2xlf:xlf2csv packages/csv2xlf/Resources/Private/Examples/xlf2csv/in.xlf packages/csv2xlf/Resources/Private/Examples/xlf2csv/out.csv de,fr,es
This extension was created by Studio Mitte with ♥.
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