System Shock is an Open Source Pinball controller system consisting of hardware schematics and source code to drive the system.
The design goal is a board set capable of;
- 128 switches
- 32 solenoids / flashers
- LCD display
- Stero Sound
The last two can be achieved by utilising a Raspberry PI or some other small embedded computer.
This is a very early work in progress that requires a lot more testing and design review.
All software and documentation is licensed under the GNU GPL v2 (see ./gpl-v2.txt)
All hardware schematics are licensed under the CERN Open Hardware License v1.2 (see cern_ohl_v_1_2.txt)
- Tagged revision 1 of the solenoid board as I sent it to the fab to get made
- Rerouted solenoid driver board
- Exported gerbers + Excellon drill file for solenoid driver
- Expose to github
- Copy solenoid driver code and schematics over
- Hack up parts of master document into solenoid documentation