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Customize image to your needs

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Getting started

First, we should download graphicsmagick

Install graphicsmagick


brew install graphicsmagick


sudo apt-get install graphicsmagick


window install

then either use npm

npm install img-order

Change log


  • maintaining project


  • Export API for Developer to processed image(see example)


  • Fix image interlace bug
  • Add image roate
  • Add image crop


Advanced image processing Include

  • According to the original EXIF information automatic rotation
  • Removal of meta information in the image.
  • Gauss fuzzy parameter
  • Progressive display
  • Picture quality


Basic image processing

How to use ?

If you use experss or koa you just do this

var app = require('express'); // or app = ('koa')
var imgOrder = require('img-order');

var config = {
    dest: 'absolute path to your image dir',    // must
    url: 'the client request url',              // must
    legalImg: 'jpg,jpeg,png,gif',               // option
    tempImgDir: 'cache temp images',            // option(suggest to use)
    maxAge: 2592000                             // cache-control option

Interface specification

Basic Use

imageView /<mode>
mode Introduction
/0/w/LongEdge/h/ShortEdge Limit the long sides of the thumbnail for a maximum of LongEdge, short edge up to ShortEdge, carries on the geometric scaling, not cut. If only specify w parameters is limited long (short) and adaptive, specify only h parameter indicates limited short side (long edge adaptive).
/1/w/Width/h/Height Qualified thumbnail wide at least for Width, high minimum of Height, carries on the geometric scaling, center cut. After turning the thumbnail usually happens to be Width x Height size (one side when zooming by beyond rectangular box was cut off excess part). If you only specify w parameters or only specified h, on behalf of the limited to tetragonal figure is as broad as it is
/2/w/Width/h/Height Limit the thumbnail Width up to Width, high up to Height, carries on the geometric scaling, not cut. If only specify w parameter represents finite width (adaptive), specify only h parameter finite long (wide adaptive). It similar to mode 0, the difference between just limit width and height, not qualified long side and short side.
/3/w/Width/h/Height Qualified thumbnail wide at least for Width, high minimum of Height, carries on the geometric scaling, not cut. If only specify w parameters or only specified h, on behalf of the width is limited to the same value
/4/w/LongEdge/h/ShortEdge CLimit the long sides of the thumbnail for at least the LongEdge, short edge at least for ShortEdge, carries on the geometric scaling, not cut. If you only specify w parameters or only specified h, said long should be the same value in a short while
/5/w/LongEdge/h/ShortEdge Limit the long sides of the thumbnail for at least the LongEdge, short edge at least for ShortEdge, carries on the geometric scaling, center cut. If you only specify w parameters or only specified h, said long should be the same value in a short while.

Advance use

imagemogr /autoorient
mode Introduction
/autoorient according to the original EXIF information automatic rotation
/strip removal of meta information in the image.
/blur Gauss fuzzy parameters, is the fuzzy radius, the range is 1-50. is the standard deviation of normal distribution, and must be greater than 0. When the image format is GIF, the parameter is not supported.
/quality/v Picture quality, the range is 1-100. Default 85
/format/format The output of the new format
/crop/widthxheight-xay cut image to you need, width is cut width, height is cut height, x and y is origin image coordinate
/rotate/deg rotate image
/interlace/num num: 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 means None or Line or Plane or Partition


###use as nodejs middleware


var imgOrder = require('img-order');
var config = {
  dest: 'C:/Users/david/Pictures/lovewallpaper/',
  url: 'customizeImg',
  tempImgDir: 'C:/Users/david/Pictures/temp'

//basic use
1.customize Image:
 and so on...

// advance use
2. advance use
 ad so on...

use processed image api

var imgOrder = require('img-order');
var view = imgOrder.view;
var mogr = imgOrder.mogr;
var fs = require('fs');

view.mode1('absolute/path/to/you/image', 200, null, function(err, stream) {
  var write = fs.createWriteStream('test.jpg');
  stream.pipe(write)    //or stream.pipe(res).  ups to your need

mogr.format('absolute/path/to/you/image', 'png', function(err, stream) {
  var write = fs.createWriteStream('test.jpg');
  stream.pipe(write)    //or stream.pipe(res).  ups to your need

//And so on...


Basic Use Api

// see Interface specification mode0

view.mode1('absulote imagePath', width, height, callback)

// see Interface specification mode1

view.mode2('absulote imagePath',width, height, callback);

// see Interface specification mode2

view.mode3('absulote imagePath', width, height, callback);

// see Interface specification mode3

view.mode4('absulote imagePath', widht, height, callback);

// see Interface specification mode4

view.mode5('absulote imagePath', widht, height, callback);

// see Interface specification mode5

view.mode6('absulote imagePath', widht, height, callback);


function(err, stream) {}

Advance Use Api mogr.format('absulote imagePath', formatType(string), callback);

mogr.rotate('absulote imagePath', deg(int | string), callback);

mogr.crop('absulote imagePath', width, height, x, y, callback);

mogr.quality('absulote imagePath', v(int), callback);

mogr.interlace('absulote imagePath', ('Node | Line | Plane | Partition'), callback);

mogr.strip('absulote imagePath', callback);

mogr.blur('absulote imagePath', callback);

mogr.autoOrient('absulote imagePath', callback);


function(err, stream) {}

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  • Simply star this repository :-)
  • Contribute Code! We're developers!


  • thumbnail image
  • image cut
  • format image
  • rotate image
  • progressive display
  • watermark
  • EXIF(EXchangeable Image File Format)
