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Releases: stephengold/Libbulletjme


09 May 17:49
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  • Changed the default setting for collision-shape contact filtering (from enabled to disabled) to address Minie issue 40. This change may cause unwanted behavior for rigid bodies in contact with a gimpact, heightfield, or mesh; see Minie issue 18 for details.
  • Added the ConicalFrustum collision shape.
  • Implemented actual-margin debug meshes for concave shapes with meshResolution == 2.
  • Added 14 accessors for the native user indices of CollisionShape, MultiBody, and PhysicsCollisionObject.
  • Added 5 other public methods:
    • Heightfield.countColumns()
    • Heightfield.countRows()
    • Heightfield.upAxis()
    • IndexedMesh.surfaceArea()
    • MyMath.area(Triangle)


29 Apr 06:51
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  • Bugfix: crash in processAllTriangles() when m_bvh==NULL (Minie issue 43)
  • Bugfix: wrong inertia for a CustomConvexShape when mass != 1
  • Added the SphericalSegment collision shape.
  • Added the TestApp application for manual testing.
  • Added 11 public methods:
    • BoundingValueHierarchy.copyAabb()
    • BoundingValueHierarchy.copyQuantization()
    • BoundingValueHierarchy.countLeafNodes()
    • BoundingValueHierarchy.countNodes()
    • BoundingValueHierarchy.countSubtreeHeaders()
    • BoundingValueHierarchy.escapeIndex()
    • BoundingValueHierarchy.isLeafNode()
    • BoundingValueHierarchy.partId()
    • BoundingValueHierarchy.setTraversalMode()
    • BoundingValueHierarchy.traversalMode()
    • BoundingValueHierarchy.triangleIndex()


22 Apr 08:13
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  • Made numerous breaking changes to the native API.
  • Deleted the (deprecated) DebugMeshCallback class. (API change)
  • Bugfix: JVM crash while serializing BoundingValueHierarchy (Minie issue 41)
  • Added the new CollisionConfiguration class and related methods:
    • CollisionSpace.getConfiguration()
    • PhysicsDescriber.describe(CollisionConfiguration)
    • a 5-argument CollisionSpace constructor
    • a 4-argument PhysicsSoftSpace constructor
    • a pair of 5-argument PhysicsSpace constructors
  • Added 2 other public methods:
    • BoundingValueHierarchy.isCompressed()
    • MeshCollisionShape.getBvh()
  • Improved the performance of contact filtering by adding an early return from FilteredInteriorCountCallback.
  • Began building Android binaries using OpenJDK 11 (with Android Gradle plugin v7.4.0 and NDK v23.1.7779620) instead of JDK 8 (with Android Gradle plugin v4.2.2 and NDK v21.3.6528147).
  • Began using htons() to configure byte swapping when serializing and deserializing a BoundingValueHierarchy. (This would be a breaking change for big-endian platforms, if any were supported!)
  • Updated the Bullet sources to match SHA1 id=e9c461b0 of the bullet3 project, to add a test for constraint pass in btMultiBody.cpp. (Thanks to Ian Chen)


19 Mar 04:59
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  • Deprecated the DebugMeshCallback class.
  • Deleted the (unused) native portion of the DebugShapeFactory class.
  • Added 7 new public methods:
    • FastMath.clamp()
    • GImpactCollisionShape.countSubmeshes()
    • GImpactCollisionShape.getSubmesh()
    • MeshCollisionShape.countSubmeshes()
    • MeshCollisionShape.getSubmesh()
  • Updated VHACD v4 to version 4.1 .
  • Added more detail to descriptions of GImpact and mesh shapes.
  • Began building Android binaries on a xenial distro, since trusty is nearing its end of life.


12 Feb 18:43
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09 Feb 21:48
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  • Bugfix: CharacterController.onGround() returns false positives after stepping (not jumping) off a cliff
  • Added an IndexMesh constructor to efficiently generate visualization meshes for collision shapes; replaced DebugMeshCallback with IndexedMesh in DebugShapeFactory.
  • Added 3 public methods to the IndexedMesh class:
    • copyTriangles()
    • maxDistance()
    • volumeConvex()
  • Improved validation of method arguments.


22 Jan 19:38
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  • Changed both APIs (both Java and native) of the CustomConvexShape class to better support scaling of custom shapes.
  • Added a 3-argument constructor to the CustomConvexShape class.


19 Jan 23:23
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  • Changed the Java API:

    • Privatized the PhysicsCollisionObject.setIgnoreCollisionCheck() method.
    • Simplified the signature of VectorSet.addAll().
    • Deleted 14 previously deprecated methods:
      • MyMath.isFinite(Vec3d)
      • PhysicsCollisionObject.listIgnoredIds()
      • PhysicsCollisionObject.setIgnoreList()
      • PhysicsSpace.addCollisionListener()
      • PhysicsSpace.addOngoingCollisionListener()
      • PhysicsSpace.countCollisionListeners()
      • PhysicsSpace.distributeEvents()
      • PhysicsSpace.removeCollisionListener()
      • PhysicsSpace.removeOngoingCollisionListener()
      • Quaternion.multLocal(Vector3f)
      • Quaternion.mult(Vector3f, Vector3f)
      • Transform.combineWithParent()
      • Transform.transformVector()
      • Transform.transformInverseVector()
  • Added return values to 2 native methods:

    • DebugShapeFactory.getTriangles()
    • DebugShapeFactory.getVertices()
  • Added the CustomConvexShape class.

  • Added 2 methods to the pre-existing CompoundMesh class:

    • CompoundMesh.countSubmeshes()
    • CompoundMesh.getSubmesh()
  • Added runtime checks:

    • in the MeshCollisionShape class, for meshes that are too complex
    • in the DebugShapeFactory class, for buildHull() failures
  • Upgraded Node.js to v20.11.0 .


05 Dec 05:04
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Bugfix: BVH algorithm fails


01 Dec 06:19
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  • bugfix: PhysicsCharacter disregards ignore lists
  • Deprecated the PhysicsSpace.countCollisionListeners() method.
  • Optimized PhysicsSpace.onContactProcessed() and onContactStarted() to create event objects only when listeners are registered.
  • Added 3 math methods:
    • FastMath.atan()
    • MyMath.log2()
    • MyMath.maxInt()
  • Updated the Bullet source code to match SHA1 ID=6bb8d112 of the bullet3 project.
  • Build MacOSX_ARM64 natives for release using Xcode 14.2 .