Dockerfile for help to someone who needs to create a docker container for development
- You need download the from
because we are not able to redistribute this versión according our development purpose. Please review
- Then you build the image
docker build -t jboss-eap:6.4.0 .
- Finally you should start the JBoss with some like
docker run --name jboss-eap-6.4.0 -p 18080:8080 -p 19990:9990 -p 19999:9999 -d jboss-eap:6.4.0
You have access, according with the run command:
- For applications:
- Console:
The credentials for console access are:
- User: admin
- Password: welcome1!
Of course if you change the ports mapped you'll need to change the previous URLs on appropriate way.
Note: the file needs to be in the same directory where the file Dockerfile was downloaded.
I hope helps Thanks