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stefvanschie edited this page Jul 7, 2017 · 1 revision

A plot is a separate piece of land the player will build on while playing the game. An arena contains multiple plots one for every player that will be playing (unless you're using team mode than multiple players can play on one plot). To create a plot simply stand on where the spawn of the plot is and type the following command:

/bg setspawn <name>

Replace <name> with the name of the arena. Now the spawn point for the plot is created. The ID of the plot is automatically assigned and used to identify each plot. If you mess up you can simply remove the spawn point with:

/bg deletespawn <name> <id>

Replace <name> with the name of the arena and <id> with the ID the plot has been assigned.


The boundary of the plot is used to restore the plot one the match is over and to keep players inside their plot. It's also used to identify where players are allowed to place/break blocks and where not. To create a boundary simple type:

/bg setboundary <name> <id>

Replace <name> with the name of the arena and <id> with the ID of the plot. You will now be given an item inside your inventory (a stick). First click on one corner of the boundary. Then click on the opposing corner and your boundary will be created. You can now throw away the item, you can't use it anymore. Note that the boundary is inclusive, so the block you clicked on will also be a valid building spot.


The floor of the plot is used inside the build menu to quickly replace the floor with another block. The floor is usually one layer thick, but it can be whatever you want. Just type the following to get the wand:

/bg setfloor <name> <id>

Replace <name> with the name of the arena and <id> with the ID of the plot. You will now have a stick to mark the floor points. Click on one corner of the boundary and then click on the opposing corner. You have now set the floor for the plot. Note that the floor is inclusive so the block you click on also belongs to the floor.

If you've been following the tutorial, you're now done setting up an arena. Try joining it with the following command:

/bg join <name>

Replace with the name of the arena.

Installation steps


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