Custom Extensions to Doctrine 2 ORM for use with Zucchi ZF2 Modules
From the root of your ZF2 Skeleton Application run
./composer.phar require zucchi/doctrine
- Automatic registration of Gedmo DoctrineExtensions
- Timestampable Trait
- Override of Date/Time Mappings to use Zucchi\DateTime Extended classes
- Abstract Entity Class
- Abstract Servcie Class
- Custom DQL Regex Function
- EntityField View helper for handling output of different entity field types
- One To Many Form Population via Annotations
- EntityManagerAware Interface and Trait
This example comes directly from the ZucchiLayout Module
/** * @var PersistantCollection * @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="ZucchiLayout\Entity\Schedule", mappedBy="Layout") * @Form\Type("Zend\Form\Element\Collection") * @Form\Options({ * "label" : "Schedule", * "count" : 2, * "should_create_template" : true, * "allow_add" : true, * "allow_remove" : true, * "target_element" : { * "composedObject" : "ZucchiLayout\Entity\Schedule" * } * }) */ public $Schedule;