What's Changed
- Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 by @dependabot in #98
- updated dependencies by @stefanak-michal in #100
- Bump webpack from 5.92.1 to 5.94.0 by @dependabot in #102
- Bump micromatch from 4.0.7 to 4.0.8 by @dependabot in #103
- npm update by @stefanak-michal in #104
- Bump rollup from 2.79.1 to 2.79.2 by @dependabot in #105
- Bump cookie and express by @dependabot in #106
- Bump http-proxy-middleware from 2.0.6 to 2.0.7 by @dependabot in #108
- Fixed empty array bug
Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v1.1.2