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Israel Barragan C edited this page Mar 1, 2016 · 1 revision

The new version of the StCR code changed its way of calling the functions. In the old codebase you could call functions like subscribe_reloaded_manage() or add_subscription() like this:

$wp_subscribe_reloaded = new wp_subscribe_reloaded();
$wp_subscribe_reloaded->add_subscription($my_id, $your_email);

This changed to:

$wp_subscribe_reloaded = new wp_subscribe_reloaded();
$wp_subscribe_reloaded->strc->add_subscription($my_id, $your_email);

The reason for this is that on the new codebase there is a better/organized code structure.

The main class stcr_subscribe_reloaded now has a new object that is instatiated from a class name wp_subscribe_reloaded, wp_subscribe_reloaded now inherits a class with the name stcr_manage. stcr_manage has two properties/objects upgrade and utils that are use to control the plugin activies such as upgade routines and utilities.

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