This widget combines functionality of a slider - like and progress bar, which value could be installed separately
Basic usage:
var PCC = $('#here-we-put-demos').css({ /* whatever */});
var pc = new PowerControlWidget({container:PCC[0], starting_percent:-0.5, end_percent:1.5,progress_value:1.2,
slide:function(val, progress_val){
// here you can use slider values
change: function(val, progress_val){
// TODO use values;
- progress_value - initial value for progress bar
- starting_percent - in case, when you need below zero percentage
- end_percent - in case when you need above 100 percent values
- slide - onSlide callback function, takes two arguments - current value of slider and progressbar;
- change - onChange callback function, takestwo arguments - current value of slider and progressbar;
- width - full width of canvas object
- info_width - width of window, where would be textual values drawn;
- height - The height of canvas object;
There are also a bunch of color settings:
this.border_color = settings.border_color || "#115";
this.below_z_color = settings.below_z_color || "#00F";
this.upper_1_color = settings.upper_1_color || "#F00";
this.background_color = settings.background_color || "#FFF";
this.cursor_color = settings.cursor_color || "#115";
PowerControlWidget.get_value() - Returns current slider value;
PowerControlWidget.set_value(float_val) - setup slider value - set it to certain percentage float value should be in [starting_percent, end_percent] range
PowerControlWidget.set_progress_value(float_val) - same, but for setting up progressbar
PowerControlWidget uses for color manipulations.