Global Azure Bootcamp Lviv 2019 workshop. 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐖𝐞𝐛 𝐀𝐏𝐈 𝐭𝐨 𝐀𝐳𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝟏𝟐𝟎 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬.
You can do this workshop(lab) by yourself, just use detailed steps below and get free Azure account
So we all want to work with the fancy and newest tech, but sometimes we are stuck with a legacy project and it seems that there is no way out. But there is hope, you can try to start small, with time you have at the moment and migrate it to reliable and scalable microservices. This way you will create a bridgehead for further project expansion.
My intention is to give you a taste of Azure Service Fabric with pragmatic and easy jumpstart steps so you will be ready to migrate your project and survive this process afterwards :).
Goal -> Provide quick hands-on Azure Service Fabric jumpstart for small/medium projects
Time -> 2-3 hours to delivery of the application
Starting point -> existing .NET core (ASP.NET Web API / WCF Service).
Hardware -> Laptop with installed Visual Studio 2017 15.9.6 and Service Fabric SDK (optional locally installed service fabric cluster), azure subscription
Technical scope -> .NET Core 2.2, Azure Service Fabric Stateless service, Azure Key Vault, Application insights.
Optional scope -> Securing ASF with https and Identity server 4. Azure Dev Ops CI/CD for ASF.
Target audience -> Developers with ASP.NET/Core web solutions experience, who eager to do lightweight switch from classic Web API hosted on premise or Azure WebApp to easy scalable solutions in Azure Service Fabric reliable services.
Web API example is Microsoft API versioning with Swagger Source repository:
export vaultResourceGroup="bootcamp2019-keyvault-group"
export vaultName="bootcamp2019DemoVault"
export primaryLocation="northeurope"
az group create --name $vaultResourceGroup --location $primaryLocation
az keyvault create --name $vaultName --resource-group $vaultResourceGroup --location $primaryLocation
export clusterResourceGroup="bootcamp2019-fabric-cluster-group"
az group create --name $clusterResourceGroup --location $primaryLocation
export clusterName="bootcamp2019-services-demo"
export sertificateSubject=""
export sertificatePassword="bootcamp2019Azure"
export vmUserName="bootCampAdmin"
export vmPassword="2019Bootcamp"
export balancerName="LB-bootcamp2019-services-demo-nt1vm"
az sf cluster create --resource-group $clusterResourceGroup --location $primaryLocation \
--certificate-output-folder . --certificate-password $sertificatePassword --certificate-subject-name $sertificateSubject \
--cluster-name $clusterName --cluster-size 1 --os WindowsServer2016Datacenter \
--vault-name $vaultName --vault-resource-group $vaultResourceGroup \
--vm-password $vmPassword --vm-user-name $vmUserName --vm-sku Standard_D1_v2
export insightsResourceGroup="bootcamp2019-telemetry-group"
export productionInsightsName="production-appinsights"
export developmentInsightsName="development-appinsights"
az group create --name $insightsResourceGroup --location $primaryLocation
az resource create --resource-group $insightsResourceGroup --resource-type "Microsoft.Insights/components" \
--name $productionInsightsName --location $primaryLocation --properties '{"Application_Type":"web"}'
az resource create --resource-group $insightsResourceGroup --resource-type "Microsoft.Insights/components" \
--name $developmentInsightsName --location $primaryLocation --properties '{"Application_Type":"web"}'
az resource show -g $insightsResourceGroup -n $productionInsightsName --resource-type "Microsoft.Insights/components" --query properties.InstrumentationKey
az resource show -g $insightsResourceGroup -n $developmentInsightsName --resource-type "Microsoft.Insights/components" --query properties.InstrumentationKey
#Save Application insights instrumentation key from latest comman
export vaultResourceGroup="bootcamp2019-keyvault-group"
export clusterResourceGroup="bootcamp2019-fabric-cluster-group"
export vaultName="bootcamp2019DemoVault"
export scaleSetName="nt1vm"
#command below can hang, so just ctrl+c it, in case nothing happens in 30 seconds
az vmss identity assign --resource-group $clusterResourceGroup --name $scaleSetName
az vmss show --resource-group $clusterResourceGroup --name $scaleSetName
#get you principal id from previous command and set it to variable below
export scaleSetManagedId="f2973f23-e151-42c5-8a93-82f1a13a3beb"
az keyvault set-policy --name $vaultName --resource-group $vaultResourceGroup --object-id $scaleSetManagedId \
--secret-permissions get list
az keyvault set-policy --name $vaultName --resource-group $vaultResourceGroup --object-id $scaleSetManagedId \
--certificate-permissions get list
#add test secret to KeyVault
az keyvault secret set --vault-name $vaultName --name "SuperSecret" --value "FancySecret"
#get certificate list from KeyVault and copy certificate name
az keyvault certificate list --vault-name $vaultName
- Make sure Azure powershell module is installed
- Connect to your subscription and choose correct tenants
- Download certificate
- Install certificate in your personal store
- Check connectivity to your cluster
- Add certificate thumbprint to Cloud publish profile
Run following commands Install-Module -Name AzureRm -Repository PSGallery -Scope CurrentUser -Force Import-Module AzureRm
Import your cluster certificate, copy certificate name from latest step in Azure CLI script, as well is password, vault name, certificate password and etc. Script below will also attempt to connect to your Service Fabric cluster after import.
#optional step to select subscription
#Select-AzureRmSubscription -TenantId 30593919-
$password = "bootcamp2019Azure"
$pfxPath = "C:\workshop\bootcamp2019.pfx"
$securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
$certificateName = "bootcamp2019-fabric-cluster-group201904131518"
$vaultName = "bootcamp2019DemoVault"
$cert = Get-AzureKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $vaultName -Name $certificateName
$certDetails = Get-AzureKeyVaultCertificate -VaultName $vaultName -Name $certificateName
$thumbprint = $certDetails.Thumbprint
$clusterSubject = $certDetails.Certificate.Subject
$certBytes = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($cert.SecretValueText)
$certCollection = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection
$protectedCertificateBytes = $certCollection.Export([System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType]::Pkcs12, $password)
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($pfxPath, $protectedCertificateBytes)
Import-PfxCertificate -FilePath $pfxPath -CertStoreLocation Cert:\CurrentUser\My -Password $securePassword
$clusterFQDN = ""
$clusterEndpoint = ''
$certThumbprint = $thumbprint
Connect-ServiceFabricCluster -ConnectionEndpoint $clusterEndpoint -KeepAliveIntervalInSec 10 -X509Credential -ServerCertThumbprint $certThumbprint -FindType "FindByThumbprint" -FindValue $certThumbprint -StoreLocation "CurrentUser" -StoreName "My"
Scipt below will add loab balancer rule for custom incoming and outgoing http port - 8427, in case of SSL run this script again with port 443 and dont forget to delete port 8427.
Select-AzureRmSubscription -TenantId 30593919-4e6a
$probename = "HttpsPassProbe"
$resource = Get-AzureRmResource | Where {$_.ResourceGroupName –eq $groupname -and $_.ResourceType -eq "Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers"}
$loadbalancer = Get-AzureRmLoadBalancer -Name $resource.Name -ResourceGroupName $groupname
$loadbalancer | Add-AzureRmLoadBalancerProbeConfig -Name $probename -Protocol Tcp -Port $backPort -IntervalInSeconds 15 -ProbeCount 2
$probe = Get-AzureRmLoadBalancerProbeConfig -Name $probename -LoadBalancer $loadbalancer
$loadbalancer | Add-AzureRmLoadBalancerRuleConfig -Name $rulename -BackendAddressPool $loadbalancer.BackendAddressPools[0] -FrontendIpConfiguration $loadbalancer.FrontendIpConfigurations[0] -Probe $probe -Protocol Tcp -FrontendPort $frontPort -BackendPort $backPort
$loadbalancer | Set-AzureRmLoadBalancer
You can create empty Service Fabric project from Visual studio Select new project,choose Visual C# => Cloud => Service Fabric Application => Stateless ASP.NET Core without authentication
Steps to work with application.
Adding the Web Api project to your ASF application in several steps
Copy your API folder to already created ASF project
Rename folder from BootcampApi to BootcampService
Rename BootcampApi.csproj to BootcampService.csproj
Add project to your solution
Open and replace/add sections to BootcampService.scproj file
<PropertyGroup> <TargetFramework>netcoreapp2.2</TargetFramework> <IsServiceFabricServiceProject>True</IsServiceFabricServiceProject> <ServerGarbageCollection>True</ServerGarbageCollection> <RuntimeIdentifier>win7-x64</RuntimeIdentifier> <TargetLatestRuntimePatch>False</TargetLatestRuntimePatch> <RootNamespace>Microsoft.Examples</RootNamespace> <GenerateDocumentationFile>true</GenerateDocumentationFile> </PropertyGroup> <ItemGroup> <Folder Include="wwwroot\" /> </ItemGroup>
Rebuild solution.
Add nuget Microsoft.ServiceFabric.AspNetCore.Kestrel to BootcampService
Copy WebService.cs to BootcampService project and rename it to BootcampService.cs
Change namespace in BootcampService.cs to Microsoft.Examples
Copy ServiceEventSource.cs to BootcampService project
Change namespace in ServiceEventSource.cs to Microsoft.Examples
Copy Main() method from Program.cs in WebService project and �replace Main() in Program.cs BootcampApi project.
Program.cs : rename WebService to BootcampService
Program.cs : rename WebServiceType to BootcampServiceType
Replace string in Startup.cs
.SetCompatibilityVersion( Latest );
Delete CreateWebHostBuilder() method in Program.cs at BootcampApi project.
Copy folder PackageRoot to to BootcampService project
ServiceManifest.xml : rename WebService text to BootcampService
Lets move on to ServiceFabricBootcampDemo project.
Open folder ApplicationPackageRoot folder and ApplicationManifest.xml
Open Visual studio replace dialog ctrl+H a. Enter find value WebService b. Enter replace value BootcampService c. Select Current project from dropdown d. Hit replace
Right click on Services in project and select Add => Existing Service Fabric Service in Solution a. Select BootcampService b. Deselect WebService
Right click on ServiceFabricBootcampDemo select properties, make sure that Debug selected, Set Application URL parameter to http://localhost:8427/swagger/index.html for easy debug.
Comment out
// integrate xml comments //options.IncludeXmlComments( XmlCommentsFilePath );
Configuration phase
First install following nuget packages
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault" Version="3.0.3" /> <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Azure.Services.AppAuthentication" Version="1.0.3" /> <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.AzureKeyVault" Version="2.2.0" />
Add secrets key to csproj file 2e1ea454-3747-4351-831e-a86bff66b67e
Create appSettings.Development.json and appSettings.Staging.json
Then replace method Startup in startup.cs with following code�
public Startup(IHostingEnvironment environment) { this.environment = environment; var configurationFileName = $"appsettings{(environment.IsProduction() ? string.Empty : "." + environment.EnvironmentName)}.json"; var configurationSection = FabricRuntime.GetActivationContext()? .GetConfigurationPackageObject("Config")? .Settings? .Sections["BootcampConfiguration"]; environment.EnvironmentName = configurationSection?.Parameters["ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT"]?.Value; var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder() .SetBasePath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) .AddJsonFile(configurationFileName, false, true) .AddUserSecrets<Startup>(false).AddEnvironmentVariables(); if (environment.IsProduction() || environment.IsStaging()) { var keyVaultEndpoint = configurationSection?.Parameters["KeyVaultEndpoint"]?.Value; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyVaultEndpoint)) { var azureServiceTokenProvider = new AzureServiceTokenProvider(); var keyVaultClient = new KeyVaultClient(new KeyVaultClient.AuthenticationCallback(azureServiceTokenProvider.KeyVaultTokenCallback)); builder.AddAzureKeyVault(keyVaultEndpoint, keyVaultClient, new DefaultKeyVaultSecretManager()); } } this.Configuration = builder.Build(); }
Proceed with changes to ASF configuration files
Add following section to PackageRoot/Config/Settings.xml
<Section Name="BootcampConfiguration"> <Parameter Name="ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT" Value="Development" /> <Parameter Name="AppInsightsKey" Value="" /> <Parameter Name="KeyVaultEndpoint" Value="" /> </Section>
Comment out section below in PackageRoot/ServiceManifest
<!--<EnvironmentVariables> <EnvironmentVariable Name="ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT" Value=""/> </EnvironmentVariables>-->
Open ServiceFabricBootcampDemo
ApplicationRoot/ApplicationManifest.xml add to Parameters section
<Parameter Name="ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT" DefaultValue="" /> <Parameter Name="AppInsightsKey" DefaultValue="" /> <Parameter Name="KeyVaultEndpoint" DefaultValue="" />
Delete sections ConfigOverrides and EnvironmentOverrides
Add new section.
<ConfigOverrides> <ConfigOverride Name="Config"> <Settings> <Section Name="BootcampConfiguration"> <Parameter Name="ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT" Value="[ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT]" /> <Parameter Name="AppInsightsKey" Value="[AppInsightsKey]" /> <Parameter Name="KeyVaultEndpoint" Value="[KeyVaultEndpoint]" /> </Section> </Settings> </ConfigOverride> </ConfigOverrides>
Open folder ApplicationParameters and add parameters below to cloud file
<Parameter Name="ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT" Value="Production" /> <Parameter Name="AppInsightsKey" Value="d4602dc5-2587-436e-bc88-988456ed33c2" /> <Parameter Name="KeyVaultEndpoint" Value="" />
Continue with Nuget package installation
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore" Version="2.6.1" /> <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.ServiceFabric.Native" Version="2.2.2" />
Downgrade following package
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.ServiceFabric.AspNetCore.Kestrel" Version="3.2.162" />
Add usings to
Add to the BootcampService.cs update to Configure Services
services => services .AddSingleton<StatelessServiceContext>(serviceContext)) .AddSingleton<StatelessServiceContext>(serviceContext) .AddSingleton<ITelemetryInitializer>((serviceProvider) => FabricTelemetryInitializerExtension.CreateFabricTelemetryInitializer(serviceContext)) .AddSingleton<ITelemetryModule>(new ServiceRemotingDependencyTrackingTelemetryModule()) .AddSingleton<ITelemetryModule>(new ServiceRemotingRequestTrackingTelemetryModule()))
Also add configuration below.
Inject configuration in Startup.cs
Update OrderController V3 Add constructor
private readonly IConfiguration config; private TelemetryClient telemetry = new TelemetryClient(TelemetryConfiguration.Active); public OrdersController(IConfiguration config) { this.config = config; }
Upgate action
public IActionResult Get(int id) { telemetry.TrackEvent($"Someone fetched Order with API {id}"); var secret = this.config != null ? this.config["FancySecret"] ?? $"Not found" : "Fancy secret not found"; return this.Ok(new Order() { Id = id, Customer = secret }); }
Add references in BootcampService csproj file
<PackageReference Include="IdentityServer4.AccessTokenValidation" Version="2.6.0" /> <PackageReference Include="System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt" Version="5.3.0" /> <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory" Version="3.19.8" />
Add Folder Configuration, add IdentityProviderConfig.cs
public class IdentityProviderConfig { public string Url { get; set; } }
Add CertificateConfiguration.cs
public class CertificateConfiguration { public static X509Certificate2 GetCertificate() { var certStore = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine); try { certStore.Open(OpenFlags.ReadOnly);
var certificates = certStore.Certificates; var domainCertificates = certificates.Find(X509FindType.FindBySubjectDistinguishedName, "CN=YouFancyDomain", false); if (domainCertificates.Count > 0) { return domainCertificates[0]; // validate certificate with thumbprint } else { var localhostCertificates = certificates.Find(X509FindType.FindBySubjectDistinguishedName, "CN=localhost", false); return localhostCertificates.Count == 0 ? null : localhostCertificates[0]; } } finally { certStore.Close(); } } }
Add folder Helpers, add class AuthorizationHelper and interface
public class AuthorizationHelper : IAuthorizationHelper { private readonly TelemetryClient telemetry = new TelemetryClient(TelemetryConfiguration.Active); public bool ValidateClaims(ClaimsPrincipal authorizedUser, string fancyClaimValue) { var userClaims = authorizedUser.Claims.ToList(); var userEmail = userClaims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type.Contains("email"))?.Value; foreach (var claim in userClaims) { if (claim.Value != fancyClaimValue) { continue; } this.telemetry.TrackEvent($"Authorization check success for user {userEmail}, to fancy claimValue {fancyClaimValue}, on {DateTime.Now}"); return true; } this.telemetry.TrackEvent($"Authorization violation by user {userEmail}, to fancy claimValue {fancyClaimValue}, on {DateTime.Now}"); return false; } }
Replace port configuration in solution
<Endpoint Protocol="http" Name="ServiceEndpoint" Type="Input" Port="8427" />
<Endpoint Protocol="https" Name="ServiceEndpoint" Type="Input" Port="443" />
Add in BootcampService/PackageRoot/ServiceManifest.xml section after CodePackage Name="Code"
<SetupEntryPoint> <ExeHost> <Program>Setup.bat</Program> <WorkingFolder>CodePackage</WorkingFolder> </ExeHost> </SetupEntryPoint>
Generate self signed certificate
cd './program files/microsoft sdks/service fabric/clustersetup/secure' .\CertSetup.ps1 -Install -CertSubjectName CN=localhost
Crucial point, Export generated in 23 cert with password and install self signed certificate to you VMSS instances. Wait for installation finis
Connect-AzureRmAccount $vaultname="yourFancyVault" $certname="SomeCertName" $certpw="SuperPassword" $groupname="your-fabric-group" $clustername = "your-cluster-name" $ExistingPfxFilePath="C:\certificates\SomeCertName.pfx" $appcertpwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $certpw -AsPlainText -Force Write-Host "Reading pfx file from $ExistingPfxFilePath" $cert = new-object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 $ExistingPfxFilePath, $certpw $bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($ExistingPfxFilePath) $base64 = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes) $jsonBlob = @{ data = $base64 dataType = 'pfx' password = $certpw } | ConvertTo-Json $contentbytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($jsonBlob) $content = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($contentbytes) $secretValue = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $content -AsPlainText -Force
Write-Host "Writing secret to $certname in vault $vaultname"
$secret = Set-AzureKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $vaultname -Name $certname -SecretValue $secretValue
Add-AzureRmServiceFabricApplicationCertificate -ResourceGroupName $groupname -Name $clustername -SecretIdentifier $secret.Id -Verbose
Add two files from Repo.
Setup.bat and SetCertAccess.ps1 and set in options copy if newer for both files.
Add section to appSetting files
"AllowedHosts": "*", "IdentityProviderConfig": { "Url": ""
Change Kestrel config in BootCampService.cs
.UseKestrel(options => { var port = serviceContext.CodePackageActivationContext.GetEndpoint("ServiceEndpoint").Port; options.Listen(IPAddress.IPv6Any, port, listenOptions => { listenOptions.UseHttps(CertificateConfiguration.GetCertificate()); listenOptions.NoDelay = true; }); })
Add to V3 OrdersController atrribute