Collection View Layouts is a set of custom flow layouts for iOS which imitate general data grid approaches for mobile apps.
Tags | 500px | ||
Flickr | |||
- 7 popular flow-layouts for iOS collection view
- Tags and Flipboard layouts support left and right content align
- 500px has custom cells layout configuration
- Three modes for instagram layout (default grid mode, one preview cell, regular preview cell)
- Each layout can be configured with content and cells paddings separately
- Tests coverage more than 90%
Collection View Layouts is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following lines (depends on your needs) to your Podfile
pod 'collection-view-layouts/Core'
pod 'collection-view-layouts/TagsLayout'
pod 'collection-view-layouts/PinterestLayout'
pod 'collection-view-layouts/Px500Layout'
pod 'collection-view-layouts/InstagramLayout'
pod 'collection-view-layouts/FlipboardLayout'
pod 'collection-view-layouts/FacebookLayout'
pod 'collection-view-layouts/FlickrLayout'
iOS: 9.0+
Swift: 4.1
CocoaPods: for iOS
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.
Configuration of custom flow layouts is pretty easy:
var contentFlowLayout: ContentDynamicLayout = TagsStyleFlowLayout()
contentFlowLayout?.delegate = self
contentFlowLayout?.contentPadding = ItemsPadding(horizontal: 10, vertical: 10)
contentFlowLayout?.cellsPadding = ItemsPadding(horizontal: 8, vertical: 8)
contentFlowLayout?.contentAlign = .left
collectionView.collectionViewLayout = contentFlowLayout!
Also, you have to implement ContentDynamicLayoutDelegate protocol:
public protocol ContentDynamicLayoutDelegate: class {
func cellSize(indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize
func cellSize(indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGSize {
return cellsSizes[indexPath.row]
Sergey Afanasiev
Collection View Layouts is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license
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