files in this repo are from a single bird singing in heliox
file is named as such: birdspecies_birdnumber_year_y-m-d-timeofrecordingstart_msstart_msstop_song/call/noise_condition.wav
i.e. s_b1349h_23_2023-11-16_13-00-01-02_236800_262610_song_regair.wav
in time of recording start, of the last number is 1 it indicates it started at the time listed. if it is 02 then it started 30 mins after the time shown i.e. 13:30:01
labeled if song, calls, or noise
conditions can be heliox, regular air, or transition when the box was filling with heliox
btw the one file called song! in 1349 folder is nothing ignore it