The sole purpose of this container is to provide a simple backend for a load balancer.
Production: No StackEngine Only: No
To launch three (3) of these containers in a resource pool, copy and
paste the contents of stack.yml
in the Application Advanced Editor
and launch it.
This container is useful outside the StackEngine ecosystem. To run it, it is necessary to ensure the internal port is 80:
docker run -d -p :80 stackhub/nginx-backend-eg
To see the container work, first run docker ps
and note its external port.
This will probably be something like 32790 as seen int he example output below.
a138cc126fb1 stackhub/nginx-backend-eg "/" 5 seconds ago Up 4 seconds 443/tcp,>80/tcp hungry_leakey
Then curl the address:
curl http://localhost:32790
and you will see as a response:
By returning the container hash, you will easily be able to tell which backend
responded in a multicontainer situation such as using the
for the StackEngine Container Application Center.