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feat: enhance editor with VS Code experience
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Add VS Code Dark+ theme with accurate colors
Improve syntax highlighting for all token types
Add collapsible explorer sidebar with VS Code styling
Enhance panel resize handles and borders
Add VS Code-like terminal tabs and controls
Add indent guides and improved scrollbars
Optimize typing animation speed (25ms)
Add natural pauses for readability (300ms lines, 100ms punctuation)
Match VS Code's spacing and layout
Create authentic VS Code look and feel
Improve code generation visibility
Add proper token highlighting during typing
Enhance overall development experience
  • Loading branch information
vgcman16 committed Oct 25, 2024
1 parent aed8e94 commit 8596741
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Showing 8 changed files with 619 additions and 663 deletions.
540 changes: 219 additions & 321 deletions app/components/editor/codemirror/CodeMirrorEditor.tsx

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

349 changes: 165 additions & 184 deletions app/components/editor/codemirror/cm-theme.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,192 +1,173 @@
import { Compartment, type Extension } from '@codemirror/state';
import { EditorView } from '@codemirror/view';
import { vscodeDark, vscodeLight } from '@uiw/codemirror-theme-vscode';
import type { Theme } from '~/types/theme.js';
import type { EditorSettings } from './CodeMirrorEditor.js';
import type { Theme } from '~/types/theme';
import type { EditorSettings } from './CodeMirrorEditor';
import { StateEffect } from '@codemirror/state';
import { HighlightStyle, syntaxHighlighting } from '@codemirror/language';
import { tags } from '@lezer/highlight';

export const darkTheme = EditorView.theme({}, { dark: true });
export const themeSelection = new Compartment();
export const themeEffect = StateEffect.define<Theme>();

export function getTheme(theme: Theme, settings: EditorSettings = {}): Extension {
return [
theme === 'dark' ? themeSelection.of([getDarkTheme()]) : themeSelection.of([getLightTheme()]),
export function getTheme(theme: Theme, settings?: EditorSettings) {
const isDark = theme === 'dark';
const colors = {
// VS Code Dark+ theme colors
background: isDark ? '#1e1e1e' : '#ffffff',
foreground: isDark ? '#d4d4d4' : '#000000',
cursor: isDark ? '#fff' : '#000',
selection: isDark ? '#264f78' : '#add6ff',
lineNumber: isDark ? '#858585' : '#237893',
lineNumberActive: isDark ? '#c6c6c6' : '#237893',
activeLine: isDark ? '#282828' : '#f8f8f8',
activeLineGutter: 'transparent',
selectionMatch: isDark ? '#3a3d41' : '#e8e8e8',
matchingBracket: isDark ? '#3a3d41' : '#e8e8e8',

// Syntax colors
keyword: isDark ? '#569cd6' : '#0000ff',
control: isDark ? '#c586c0' : '#af00db',
operator: isDark ? '#d4d4d4' : '#000000',
string: isDark ? '#ce9178' : '#a31515',
stringEscape: isDark ? '#d7ba7d' : '#ff0000',
regexp: isDark ? '#d16969' : '#811f3f',
number: isDark ? '#b5cea8' : '#098658',
boolean: isDark ? '#569cd6' : '#0000ff',
null: isDark ? '#569cd6' : '#0000ff',
comment: isDark ? '#6a9955' : '#008000',
function: isDark ? '#dcdcaa' : '#795e26',
className: isDark ? '#4ec9b0' : '#267f99',
interface: isDark ? '#4ec9b0' : '#267f99',
type: isDark ? '#4ec9b0' : '#267f99',
enum: isDark ? '#4ec9b0' : '#267f99',
typeParameter: isDark ? '#4ec9b0' : '#267f99',
variable: isDark ? '#9cdcfe' : '#001080',
property: isDark ? '#9cdcfe' : '#001080',
constant: isDark ? '#4fc1ff' : '#0070c1',
definition: isDark ? '#9cdcfe' : '#001080',
punctuation: isDark ? '#d4d4d4' : '#000000',
meta: isDark ? '#569cd6' : '#0000ff',
tag: isDark ? '#569cd6' : '#800000',
attributeName: isDark ? '#9cdcfe' : '#ff0000',
attributeValue: isDark ? '#ce9178' : '#0000ff',
heading: isDark ? '#569cd6' : '#800000',
emphasis: isDark ? '#d4d4d4' : '#000000',
strong: isDark ? '#d4d4d4' : '#000000',
link: isDark ? '#569cd6' : '#0000ff',

export function reconfigureTheme(theme: Theme) {
return themeSelection.reconfigure(theme === 'dark' ? getDarkTheme() : getLightTheme());
const highlightStyle = HighlightStyle.define([
{ tag: tags.keyword, color: colors.keyword },
{ tag: tags.controlKeyword, color: colors.control },
{ tag: tags.operator, color: colors.operator },
{ tag: tags.string, color: colors.string },
{ tag: tags.regexp, color: colors.regexp },
{ tag: tags.escape, color: colors.stringEscape },
{ tag: tags.number, color: colors.number },
{ tag: tags.bool, color: colors.boolean },
{ tag: tags.null, color: colors.null },
{ tag: tags.comment, color: colors.comment, fontStyle: 'italic' },
{ tag: tags.function(tags.variableName), color: colors.function },
{ tag: tags.function(tags.definition(tags.variableName)), color: colors.function },
{ tag: tags.className, color: colors.className },
{ tag: tags.typeName, color: colors.type },
{ tag: tags.definition(tags.typeName), color: colors.type },
{ tag: tags.typeOperator, color: colors.type },
{ tag: tags.propertyName, color: },
{ tag: tags.definition(tags.propertyName), color: },
{ tag: tags.variableName, color: colors.variable },
{ tag: tags.definition(tags.variableName), color: colors.definition },
{ tag: tags.constant(tags.variableName), color: colors.constant },
{ tag: tags.punctuation, color: colors.punctuation },
{ tag: tags.meta, color: colors.meta },
{ tag: tags.tagName, color: colors.tag },
{ tag: tags.attributeName, color: colors.attributeName },
{ tag: tags.attributeValue, color: colors.attributeValue },
{ tag: tags.heading, color: colors.heading },
{ tag: tags.emphasis, fontStyle: 'italic' },
{ tag: tags.strong, fontWeight: 'bold' },
{ tag:, color:, textDecoration: 'underline' },

function getEditorTheme(settings: EditorSettings) {
return EditorView.theme({
'&': {
fontSize: settings.fontSize ?? '12px',
'&.cm-editor': {
height: '100%',
background: 'var(--cm-backgroundColor)',
color: 'var(--cm-textColor)',
'.cm-cursor': {
borderLeft: 'var(--cm-cursor-width) solid var(--cm-cursor-backgroundColor)',
'.cm-scroller': {
lineHeight: '1.5',
'&:focus-visible': {
outline: 'none',
'.cm-line': {
padding: '0 0 0 4px',
'&.cm-focused > .cm-scroller > .cm-selectionLayer .cm-selectionBackground': {
backgroundColor: 'var(--cm-selection-backgroundColorFocused) !important',
opacity: 'var(--cm-selection-backgroundOpacityFocused, 0.3)',
'&:not(.cm-focused) > .cm-scroller > .cm-selectionLayer .cm-selectionBackground': {
backgroundColor: 'var(--cm-selection-backgroundColorBlured)',
opacity: 'var(--cm-selection-backgroundOpacityBlured, 0.3)',
'&.cm-focused > .cm-scroller .cm-matchingBracket': {
backgroundColor: 'var(--cm-matching-bracket)',
'.cm-activeLine': {
background: 'var(--cm-activeLineBackgroundColor)',
'.cm-gutters': {
background: 'var(--cm-gutter-backgroundColor)',
borderRight: 0,
color: 'var(--cm-gutter-textColor)',
'.cm-gutter': {
'&.cm-lineNumbers': {
fontFamily: 'Roboto Mono, monospace',
fontSize: settings.gutterFontSize ?? settings.fontSize ?? '12px',
minWidth: '40px',
'& .cm-activeLineGutter': {
background: 'transparent',
color: 'var(--cm-gutter-activeLineTextColor)',
'&.cm-foldGutter .cm-gutterElement > .fold-icon': {
cursor: 'pointer',
color: 'var(--cm-foldGutter-textColor)',
transform: 'translateY(2px)',
'&:hover': {
color: 'var(--cm-foldGutter-textColorHover)',
return [
'&': {
height: '100%',
fontSize: settings?.fontSize ?? '14px',
fontFamily: 'Menlo, Monaco, "Courier New", monospace',
backgroundColor: colors.background,
color: colors.foreground,
'.cm-content': {
padding: '0',
caretColor: colors.cursor,
'.cm-line': {
padding: '0 16px',
lineHeight: '1.5',
'.cm-gutters': {
backgroundColor: colors.background,
color: colors.lineNumber,
border: 'none',
fontSize: settings?.gutterFontSize ?? '12px',
'.cm-activeLineGutter': {
backgroundColor: colors.activeLineGutter,
color: colors.lineNumberActive,
'.cm-activeLine': {
backgroundColor: colors.activeLine,
'.cm-selectionMatch': {
backgroundColor: colors.selectionMatch,
'.cm-cursor': {
borderLeftColor: colors.cursor,
'.cm-selected': {
backgroundColor: colors.selection,
'.cm-matchingBracket': {
backgroundColor: colors.matchingBracket,
color: 'inherit !important',
border: isDark ? '1px solid #888' : '1px solid #bbb',
// Change highlighting
'': {
backgroundColor: isDark ? '#1e4620' : '#e6ffe6',
'': {
backgroundColor: isDark ? '#462020' : '#ffe6e6',
// Scrollbar styling
'&.cm-editor::-webkit-scrollbar': {
width: '14px',
height: '14px',
'&.cm-editor::-webkit-scrollbar-track': {
backgroundColor: colors.background,
'&.cm-editor::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb': {
backgroundColor: isDark ? '#424242' : '#c1c1c1',
border: '3px solid transparent',
borderRadius: '7px',
backgroundClip: 'padding-box',
'&.cm-editor::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover': {
backgroundColor: isDark ? '#4f4f4f' : '#a8a8a8',
// Indent guides
'.cm-indent': {
position: 'relative',
'&::before': {
content: '""',
position: 'absolute',
left: 0,
top: 0,
bottom: 0,
borderLeft: `1px solid ${isDark ? '#404040' : '#e8e8e8'}`,
'.cm-foldGutter .cm-gutterElement': {
padding: '0 4px',
'.cm-tooltip-autocomplete > ul > li': {
minHeight: '18px',
' label': {
marginLeft: '2px',
fontSize: '12px',
' .cm-button': {
fontSize: '12px',
' .cm-textfield': {
fontSize: '12px',
' input[type=checkbox]': {
position: 'relative',
transform: 'translateY(2px)',
marginRight: '4px',
'.cm-panels': {
borderColor: 'var(--cm-panels-borderColor)',
'.cm-panels-bottom': {
borderTop: '1px solid var(--cm-panels-borderColor)',
backgroundColor: 'transparent',
'': {
background: 'var(--cm-search-backgroundColor)',
color: 'var(--cm-search-textColor)',
padding: '8px',
'.cm-search .cm-button': {
background: 'var(--cm-search-button-backgroundColor)',
borderColor: 'var(--cm-search-button-borderColor)',
color: 'var(--cm-search-button-textColor)',
borderRadius: '4px',
'&:hover': {
color: 'var(--cm-search-button-textColorHover)',
'&:focus-visible': {
outline: 'none',
borderColor: 'var(--cm-search-button-borderColorFocused)',
'&:hover:not(:focus-visible)': {
background: 'var(--cm-search-button-backgroundColorHover)',
borderColor: 'var(--cm-search-button-borderColorHover)',
'&:hover:focus-visible': {
background: 'var(--cm-search-button-backgroundColorHover)',
borderColor: 'var(--cm-search-button-borderColorFocused)',
' [name=close]': {
top: '6px',
right: '6px',
padding: '0 6px',
fontSize: '1rem',
backgroundColor: 'var(--cm-search-closeButton-backgroundColor)',
color: 'var(--cm-search-closeButton-textColor)',
'&:hover': {
'border-radius': '6px',
color: 'var(--cm-search-closeButton-textColorHover)',
backgroundColor: 'var(--cm-search-closeButton-backgroundColorHover)',
'.cm-search input': {
background: 'var(--cm-search-input-backgroundColor)',
borderColor: 'var(--cm-search-input-borderColor)',
color: 'var(--cm-search-input-textColor)',
outline: 'none',
borderRadius: '4px',
'&:focus-visible': {
borderColor: 'var(--cm-search-input-borderColorFocused)',
'.cm-tooltip': {
background: 'var(--cm-tooltip-backgroundColor)',
border: '1px solid transparent',
borderColor: 'var(--cm-tooltip-borderColor)',
color: 'var(--cm-tooltip-textColor)',
' ul li[aria-selected]': {
background: 'var(--cm-tooltip-backgroundColorSelected)',
color: 'var(--cm-tooltip-textColorSelected)',
'.cm-searchMatch': {
backgroundColor: 'var(--cm-searchMatch-backgroundColor)',
'': {
padding: '4px',
whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
backgroundColor: 'var(--bolt-elements-bg-depth-2)',
borderColor: 'var(--bolt-elements-borderColorActive)',
'& .cm-tooltip-arrow:before': {
borderTopColor: 'var(--bolt-elements-borderColorActive)',
'& .cm-tooltip-arrow:after': {
borderTopColor: 'transparent',

function getLightTheme() {
return vscodeLight;

function getDarkTheme() {
return vscodeDark;

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