Eureka is a full stack web app built during my time at Hackbright Academy. Eureka allows a user to search for a recipe by ingredient(s) and how much time (maximum) they want to spend. From there, the results will show, where a user can see the name of the recipe and the link to the recipe. The user can then save the recipe or text the link of the recipe to their phone. Users can also upload their own recipe to the database.
Tech Stack: Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Flask, Jinja, jQuery, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, Bootstrap, Requests Library
APIs : Spoonacular, Twilio
You must have the following installed to run Eureka:
API key for Spoonacular
API key for Twilio
Requests Library
Running Eureka on your computer:
- Clone or fork repository:
$ git clone
Create and activate a virtual environment inside your hb-project directory:
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
- Install dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create a file and add your API keys and secret keys. Example below.
- Add variables to your virtual environment:
$ source
- Create database 'recipe':
$ createdb recipe