This is a full-stack web application built with React, Node.js, MongooDB,Express.js, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Postman.
It was a semester project as an individual project task for Hack Your Future Denmark's curriculum.
The main functionalities of this website are:
- Creating a data base by using MongooDB
- Display all meals from Database
- Display all reservations
- Making a resvervations
- Add and Delete a reservations
To get started with the Meal Sharing Project:
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Navigate to the project directory.
- Install backend dependencies by navigating and using command 'npm install', 'npm install node', 'npm dotenv' and 'npm run dev'.
- Add PORT=4000 and MongooDB credentials to .env file.
- Install frontend dependencies by navigating and using command 'npm react', and 'npm start'.
- 'http://localhost:3000' in your web browser to view the application.
- Postman
- Express.Js
- MongooDB
- Node.js
- React
During this project, I faced challenges like building a database and backend Node.js, then integrating them with React frontend components.I also learned how to work with Node.js, Express.js, MongooDB to build a full-stack web application. In Addition ,I also learned how to improved my time management and prioritization skills. Overall, it was a great learning experience that boosted my development skills.