- Protect your Titan piece at all costs.
- Win by hitting the opponent's Titan with two cannon bullet.
- Each player has the following pieces:
- 1 Titan
- 1 Cannon ( Hit points : 3 )
- 2 Ricochet
- 2 Semi-Ricochet
- 1 Tank ( Hit points : 5 )
- The initial configuration of pieces is decided by the computer and is randomized.
- Players take turns.
- Each turn, a player can move one piece one step in any direction (like a chess king).
- Cannon can only move horizontally and must stay in the extreme rows.
- Ricochet and Semi-Ricochet pieces can be rotated, which also counts as a move.
- Cannon: Shoots a bullet after each turn.
- Ricochet: Deflects bullets coming from any direction.
- Semi-Ricochet: Deflects bullets only when they hit the inclined part; bullets disappear if they hit the straight part.
- Tank: Stops any bullet it gets hit by.
- Players move a piece or rotate a Ricochet/Semi-Ricochet during their turn.
- After each turn, the player’s Cannon shoots a bullet.
- Bullets interact with pieces as follows:
- Deflected by Ricochet/Semi-Ricochet
- Stopped by Tank
- Bullets hitting the opponent's Titan end the game, resulting in a loss for the hit Titan's player.
- The game ends when cannon bullet hits the opponent's Titan, and the player whose Titan is hit loses.
- Only one Titan and one Cannon per player.
- The Cannon can only move horizontally.