Track freebies (food,clothing,scholar ships) from Government to school kids.
Indian Government spends huge budget to empower children with education. It gives out free bies like food (mid day meals), clothing, bicycles, bus passes, scholarships. This is not reaching the intended child because of mismanagement , corruption etc.
We need to effectively track these freebies from government, so that it reaches the needy children. The solution intended should be cost effective, efficient, simple to implement.
Solution to the problems faced by civic autorities could be solved using technology.
Technology chosen should be simple, should have ease of use and be cost effective. So we chose QR code technology.
Every Kid in school will be issued an ID card with QR code embeded onto it. Just like the below one.
A representative from school should posses a basic smarphone with android / ios / windows Operating system installed. Qr Code Reader app should be opened and scanned across the ID. This scanning is to be done, after the student receives the freebie (mid day meal / clothes / books / bicycle).
By this all data pertaining to students from a school is directly synced with centralized systems. So there is no chance to forge the data.
The data collected can be shown using graphs / pdf's / excel sheets. Data can be mined and shown in different formats.
Programming languages: javascript; html5; php;
Frameworks: jQuery End user environments: Web Mobile
Server requirements: PHP with mysql enabled server (Need php gd library to be enabled)
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