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Overview of Repo

The repo contains the following folders:

  • config: config file for deepspeed or prompts
  • data: dataset and processed data
  • cont_gen: the library for the whole project
  • ood: scripts for the OOD settihng
  • pretrain: old code to pre-train the model
  • runs: experiment results, e.g., checkpoints
  • scripts: script for data process, visualization, data exploration, debug ...
  • sh: bash scripts


Data Format of the CUAD_v1.json:

"data": a list of contract json data
    "title": contract id. It does not totally match the file name
    "paragraphs": only one paragraph for each contract.
        "context": the contract content
        "qas": a list of question answer dict:
            "answers": a list of answer text and position dict:
                text: text span in original contract
                answer_start: int
            id: <title>__<clause type>
            question: a template contain the clause type
            is_impossible: True if there is no answer

Download extra contract data

pip install gdown

gdown 1of37X0hAhECQ3BN_004D8gm6V88tgZaB -O contracts.tar.gz

if [ ! -d cuad_contracts ]; then
mkdir cuad_contracts

tar -xzf contracts.tar.gz -C cuad_contracts


Before method-specific processing, the original dataset need be cleaned. We will also build some data that will be further used by various methods.

Clean and Format

First, we pre-process the original dataset to

  • reduce many consecutive spaces and newlines to one
  • sort answer spans and merge overlapping spans.
  • convert to a concise structure

Code: data_process/pre_process/

Arguments are path of original CUAD data and path of cleaned data.


python -m cont_gen.data_process.pre_process.clean data/cuad_split/CUADv1.json data/cuad_clean/CUADv1.jsonl

Output: cleaned data with a concise structure in data/cuad_clean/CUADv1.jsonl

    "title": "the UID of the document",
    "doc_text": "the contract document", # 123
    "qas": [ # a list of question-answer information
            "qa_id": "the UID of the document-question pair question",
            "is_impossible":  "(`bool`) True if has answers",
            "answers": [
                # a list of answers
                { "text": "answer text",
                  "start_pos/end_pos": "position of the start/end character"}
    "new2old_map": "(List[int])  mapping from new to old doc character index"

Note: the qas contains all clause types

Split Documents into Paragraphs

Split documents into paragraphs and relocate the answers of each paragraph and only keep valid questions.

Code: data_process/

Arguments are path of cleaned data and paragraph data


python -m cont_gen.data_process.split_doc_to_para \
data/cuad_clean/CUADv1.jsonl \

Output: paragraph data in data/cuad_clean/CUADv1_paras.jsonl.

    "title": "the UID of the document",
    "paras": [
        # a list of paragraph data
            "text": "paragraph text",
            "offset": "start index of the first character of the paragraph",
            "qas": "same structure as cleaned data. ",
                # remove is_impossible
                # add q_id: clause type id

Merge Short Paragraphs

To avoid short paragraphs, we merge short paragraphs with its successors. Traverse each paragraph and merge if the character length is less than a threshold.

Code: data_process/
Arguments are path of input and output paragraph data and the merge threshold.


python -m cont_gen.data_process.merge_short \
data/cuad_clean/CUADv1_paras.jsonl \
data/cuad_clean/CUADv1_paras_merge.jsonl \
--threshold 300

Output: same format of paragraph data. data/cuad_clean/CUADv1_paras_merge.jsonl

Note: the average number of paragraphs per doc change from 145.97 to 61.37; the average length of paragraphs increase from 344.89 to 821.63.

Split Paragraphs to Max Token Length

Split paragraphs to make each one not exceed max number of tokens for a tokenizer.

Code: data_process/

Arguments: input_path, output_path, tokenizer, max_para_len

Output to data/cuad_clean/{tokenizer_name}_{max_para_len}/CUAD_paras.jsonl

Statistics: there are total (train + test) 33743 paragraphs, only 6531 (19.36%) paragraphs contain pre-defined clauses.

Pipeline for Generative with Notes

We include some notes as extra context, including:

  • Head of previous paragraphs
  • Summary of previous paragraphs' clause types.

Data Process

Training Prompt Data

To get the source and target data for fine-tuning, run the script cont_gen/data_process/ The input data is supposed to be paragraph data that has been partitioned to fit max token length.

Some configurable variables are:

  • max_mem_num: max number of memory paragraphs
  • total_mem_len: max number of tokens in the memory
  • max_answer_len: max number of tokens in one piece of answer. The whole answer may contain many pieces. If the answer exceed the token limit, replace middle tokens with "..."
  • neg_ratio: the ratio of negative samples to positive samples

Run the scripts:

python -m cont_gen.data_process.build_genqa_with_context \
data/cuad_clean/flan-t5_512/CUAD_paras.jsonl \
data/cuad_clean/flan-t5_512/memory_genqa_quest_train.jsonl \
google/flan-t5-large \
data/clause/prompt_quest.json \
--split_titles data/cuad_split/ori_train_titles.json \
--max_mem_num 10 --total_mem_len 256 --max_answer_len 60 --neg_ratio 1.0

Output: 10330 positive 10330 negtive samples for train and oracle test.
Statistics of max length: 900


For each document, infer paragraphs one by one as previous clause information is need. (


python -m cont_gen.infer_mem_genqa \
--test_path data/cuad_clean/flan-t5_512/test_paras.jsonl \
--base_model google/flan-t5-large \
--model_ckpt runs/mem_genqa/flan-t5-large_quest_lr1e-4_bs16/checkpoint-12492 \
--save_path runs/mem_genqa/flan-t5-large_quest_lr1e-4_bs16/preds_ckpt_12492.jsonl \
--quests data/clause/prompt_quest.json \
--dtype fp32 --batch_size 6

Pipeline for Generative Methods


Before building feature, we prepare the questions for each clause. Link

Further split paragraphs into chunks to fit in a max token length of a tokenizer. Link

Next, we build the full prompts with provisions (contract text), questions and answers. Link

Next, we build features for training and test. Link

  • For training, we sample negative paragraphs for each question.
  • For test, we ask all question for each paragraph with length > 10


There are 510 contracts, 6702 available clauses annotated. Among them, 2594 clauses have multiple spans.

Train prompts: 16,723 Test prompts: 229,518 (5598 chunks)

Data Process (New)

python -m cont_gen.data_process.build_qagen_new \
data/cuad_clean/flan-t5_512/CUAD_paras.jsonl \
data/cuad_clean/flan-t5_512/genqa/quest_train_max-asw-len_80.jsonl \
google/flan-t5-large \
--ommit_len 80 \
--quests data/clause/prompt_quest.json \
--split_titles data/cuad_split/ori_train_titles.json

Output: dict of title, para_idx, q_id, source, target

Data Process

Question Prepare

Prepare the questions for each clause.

Script: scripts/

Output: data/clause/

  • clause_info.json: a list of clause information extracted from readme file. Include "category", "desc", "answer_format" and "group"
  • prompt_quest_desc.json and prompt_quest.json the prompt for questions. List[str]

Split by Tokenized Length

Split paragraphs into chunks to fit in a max token length. Output is a flatten structure.

Script: cont_gen/data_process/


python -m cont_gen.data_process.split_para_to_chunks data/cuad_clean/CUADv1_paras_merge.jsonl data/cuad_clean/CUADv1_chunks_merge.jsonl microsoft/phi-1_5 512

Input: paragraph data (merged): data/cuad_clean/CUADv1_paras_merge.jsonl

Output: data/cuad_clean/CUADv1_chunks_merge.jsonl in a flat structure.

title, chunk_index, text, para_idx, para_offset, qas

Build SFT Data

Build full prompts. For training, we sample negative examples.

Code: cont_gen/data_process/


# suffix can be quest or quest_desc
# suffix=quest_desc

# build training data
python -m cont_gen.data_process.build_qagen_sft \
data/cuad_clean/CUADv1_chunks_merge.jsonl \
data/cuad_prompts/train_prompts_${suffix}.jsonl \
microsoft/phi-1_5 80 \
--quest data/clause/prompt_${suffix}.json \
--train_split data/cuad_split/train_separate_questions.json

# build test data
python -m cont_gen.data_process.build_qagen_sft \
data/cuad_clean/CUADv1_chunks_merge.jsonl \
data/cuad_prompts/test_prompts_${suffix}.jsonl \
microsoft/phi-1_5 80 \
--quest data/clause/prompt_${suffix}.json \
--test_split data/cuad_split/test.json


prompt: for training, contain answer. for test, no answer.


training code: cont_gen/

Run the script:

  • sh/ use deepspeed zero stage 1 to train the model

Compute loss only on outputs

The training data should contain

input_ids: (batch_size, seq_len)
attention_mask: (batch_size, seq_len)
# source_len: (batch_size) length of the source part in prompt
labels: (batch_size, seq_len) # with pad token label to be -100


Get Predictions

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 accelerate launch \
--num_processes 2 --main_process_port 9023 \
-m cont_gen.infer_genqa \
--prompt_path data/cuad_prompts/test_prompts_quest.jsonl \
--base_model google/flan-t5-large \
--save_path runs/genqa/flan-t5-large_quest_lr1e-4_bs16/preds_ckpt_25083.jsonl \
--ckpt_dir runs/genqa/flan-t5-large_quest_lr1e-4_bs16/checkpoint-25083 \
--dtype fp32 --batch_size 16

Output: each sample is a dict of

title, chunk_index, q_id, prediction

Get metrics

Macro F1 and IOU by token level overlapping:

python -m cont_gen.evaluate.eval_genqa_result data/cuad_clean/CUADv1_chunks_merge.jsonl runs/genqa/flan-t5-large_quest_lr1e-4_bs16/preds_ckpt_8361.jsonl

Pipeline for QA Span baseline

Document Tokenization

Run cont_gen/data_process/ with argumetns:

source .env
python -m cont_gen.data_process.cut_doc "${CUAD_PATH}/CUAD_v1.json" \
./data/doc/doc_tokens_roberta_rm.pkl \
roberta-base \
--remove_space --n_cpu 10

Output is a list of dict to store tokenized information:

  • doc_id (str): the title of the document
  • doc_token_ids (List[int]): token ids of the tokenizer
  • token_to_char (List[Tuple[int, int]]): record the char span of every token. (End not included)

Build Features for QA Model

1 Contract -> 41 Example -> x positive features and x negtive features.

Each feature comprise a segment (window), a question and the answer (span position).


source .env
python -m cont_gen.data_process.build_qa_feature \
--data_file ${CUAD_TRAIN} \
--doc_tk_path ./data/doc/doc_tokens_roberta_rm.pkl \
--output_path ./data/features/qa_roberta_train.pkl \
--tokenizer_path roberta-base --balance

Remove argument --balance when building test features.

Output is a list of features:

    seq_len: non-pad token number
    paragraph_len: context of the document
    context_offset: start position of context in the input_ids
    span_start: answer span start token position in the document
    p_mask: 1 for tokens cannot be answers
    cls_index: used for impossible span
    start_position: answer span start token position in the input_ids
    end_position: answer span end token position in the input_ids
    is_impossible: whether the window has answer span
    qas_id: tuple of (doc_id, clause_id)

Train QA model with features (No evaluation)

python -m cont_gen.train_qa --features data/features/qa_roberta_train.pkl --base_model roberta-base --output_dir runs/qa/roberta-base_lr1e-4_bs16 --num_epoch 5 --lr 1e-4 --batch_size 16

Output: each result is a dict of 'start_logits', 'end_logits'

Infer QA model

For each feature, output start_logits and end_logits

# for debug
python -m cont_gen.infer_qa --save_path runs/debug/model_outputs.pkl --ckpt roberta-base --features data/features/qa_roberta_test.pkl

# infer one checkpoint
python -m cont_gen.infer_qa --features data/features/qa_roberta_test.pkl --ckpt runs/qa/roberta-base_lr1e-4_bs16/checkpoint-13000

# infer all checkpoints
python -m cont_gen.infer_qa --features data/features/qa_roberta_test.pkl --exp_dir  runs/qa/roberta-base_lr1e-4_bs16

Compute Predictions

contract -> examples -> features -> start_logits, end_logits

For each feature, propose n_best start and end indexes, and save all possible combinations as preliminary predictions:


Get the prediction of each QA example (qa_id). Given all prelim predictions, filter top ranking predictions, and get the answer span text and position

    start_logit: span start token logit
    end_logit: span end token logit
    char_start: start position of the character in original doc
    token_start:  start position in doc tokens
    qa_id: to locate the example


python -m cont_gen.qa_pred --max_answer_length 256 --model_outputs runs/qa/roberta-base_lr1e-4_bs16/checkpoint-12000

Output: a dict from qid (title_clause) / example to prediction in a dict


Get metrics


python -m cont_gen.evaluate.eval_qa_result data/cuad_clean/CUADv1_chunks_merge.jsonl \
data/clause/ori_clause_names.json \


answer spans can overlap.

408 for train, 102 for test

        examples: 16728
            has_clause: 5458
            null: 11270
        examples_expand: 22450
        features: 41952
        examples: 4182 (102 * 41)
            has_clause: 1244
            null: 2938     
        features: 156623

GenQA Pipeline

Build Features

First, convert dataset into examples, each example is a paragraph of one contract, with available qas.

source .env

python -m cont_gen.data_process.build_genqa_feature get_examples \
--data_path $CUAD_TRAIN \
--save_path ./data/genqa/train_examples.pkl

Tokenize paragraphs

python -m cont_gen.data_process.build_genqa_feature tokenize \
--data_path ./data/genqa/train_examples.pkl \
--save_path ./data/genqa/train_token_ids_llama2.pkl \
--tokenizer $LLAMA2_7B \
--n_cpu 10


Contract clause analysis






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