- Android app for currency conversion and language translation.
- Clean architechture
- Speech to text and text to speech translations
- Dependency injection
- Searchable Spinner
- Better UI with splash screen
- Conversion support for more than 170 currencies.
- Translation support for more than 50 languages.
- Offline translation available, once a language model is downloaded.
- User can switch between Dark and Light theme.
- Text to speech translation.
- Speech to text translation.
- Internet
- Record Audio
- Kotlin
- Java
- Retrofit
- Coroutines
- Gson
- Exchange Rates API
- Language Detection | ML Kit by Google
- Translation | ML Kit by Google
- Dagger Hilt
- Android (API level 19) and higher
- Conversion Buddy is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for the full license text.