OceanMesh2D: Precise distance-based two-dimensional automated mesh generation toolbox intended for coast ocean/shallow water flow models
consists of four standalone classes that are called in sequence. It requires no paid toolboxes to build meshes and has been tested to work with a trial version of MATLAB.
├── geodata -- process geospatial data.
├── edgefx -- build mesh size functions.
├── meshgen -- generate mesh based on mesh size functions and boundaries.
└── msh -- store, write, read, inspect, and visualize meshes and their axuillary components for numerical simulation.
Clone or download and unzip the current repository,
Read the user guide available here: https://www.overleaf.com/read/hsqjhvtbkgvj#/54715995/ (dynamic version, click download PDF), or https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.21840.61446/1 (static version)
The data for the following examples can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LeQJFKaVCM2K59pKO9jDcB02yjTmJPmL
and here: http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/pwessel/gshhg/ (download the GSHH global coastline ESRI shapefile zip archive)
and here: ftp://topex.ucsd.edu/pub/srtm15_plus/ (download the SRTM15_PLUS global topobathy DEM "topo15_compressed.nc")
Featured in ┌╼ Example_1_NZ.m %<- A simple mesh around South Island New Zealand that uses GSHHS shoreline.
user guide ├── Example_2_NY.m %<- A high-resolution mesh around the New York/Manhattan area that uses a DEM created from LiDAR data.
└── Example_3_ECGC.m %<- Builds a mesh for the western North Atlantic with a local high-resolution nest around New York
Featured in ┌╼ Example_4_PRVI.m %<- Builds a mesh for the western North Atlantic with three high-resolution nests around Peurto Rico and US Virgin Islands
Geoscientific Model ├── Example_5_JBAY.m %<- An extremely high-fidelity (15-m) mesh from LiDAR data around Jamaica Bay with CFL-limiting.
Development paper[1]└── Example_6_GBAY.m %<- An example of the polyline/thalweg mesh size function along the Houston Ship Channel.
If you make use of OceanMesh2D
please include a reference to the following:
[1] - Keith J. Roberts, William J. Pringle, Joannes J. Westerink.
OceanMesh2D 1.0: MATLAB-based software for 2D mesh generation used in coastal circulation problems.
Geoscientifc Model Development (submitted July 2018).