A simple node sass package importer built for the new sass js api must be used with the new sass package. Made to be compatible with node ^10.0.0, might work on higher versions, but currently not supported or tested.
Please note that if you are looking for a more versatile implementation, especially if you are looking for the old node-sass api or the sass legacy api, check out the node-sass-package-importer.
npm i @squirrel-forge/sass-package-importer
Use ~ to prefix packages that should be imported or used and they will be resolved according to your options, the default options will attempt to load from the node_modules directory inside your cwd or you may set/add your own paths that should be used to resolve packages.
@import "~@squirrel-forge/sass-util";
// OR
@use "~@squirrel-forge/sass-util";
It will also allow nested package paths if you wish to import or use a file nested inside a package and not import the complete package as following:
@import "~@squirrel-forge/sass-util/src/mixins/index";
// OR
@use "~@squirrel-forge/sass-util/src/mixins/index";
const sass = require( 'sass' );
const packageImporter = require( '@squirrel-forge/sass-package-importer' );
// Classic way, calling the factory in place with options
const sassOptions = { importers : [ packageImporter( /* null|PackageImporterOptions */ ) ] };
// Plugin way, supply the sass options as second argument
// It will create the importers property if required and append the importer.
const sassOptions = {};
packageImporter( /* null|PackageImporterOptions */, sassOptions );
// Since the importer is sync it work for both sync and async compile
const result = sass.compile( scssFilename, sassOptions );
// OR
const result = await sass.compileAsync( scssFilename, sassOptions );
* Package importer options
* @type {null|PackageImporterOptions}
strict : false,
cwd : null,
prefix : '~',
ext : [ '.scss', '.sass', '.css' ],
keys : [ 'scss', 'sass', 'style', 'css', 'main.scss', 'main.sass', 'main.style', 'main.css', 'main' ],
paths : [ 'node_modules' ],
* @typedef {Object} PackageImporterOptions
* @property {boolean} strict - Require a package directory and a package.json if there is no module target info, default: false
* @property {null|string} cwd - Set the working directory for the importer, default: null > process.cwd()
* @property {string} prefix - Package import prefix, default: ~
* @property {Array<string>} ext - Array of acceptable extensions, defaults: see PACKAGE_IMPORTER_DEFAULT_OPTIONS.ext
* @property {Array<string>} keys - Array of possible package keys to check for a file reference, defaults: see PACKAGE_IMPORTER_DEFAULT_OPTIONS.keys
* @property {Array<string>} paths - Array of possible package locations, relative or absolute paths, defaults see PACKAGE_IMPORTER_DEFAULT_OPTIONS.paths
If you encounter any issues, please report here.
Check the sourcecode on github for extensive comments.