An Airflow plugin and provider to launch and monitor Spark applications on Ocean for Apache Spark.
pip install ocean-spark-airflow-provider
For general usage of Ocean for Apache Spark, refer to the official documentation.
In the connection menu, register a new connection of type Ocean for
Apache Spark. The default connection name is ocean_spark_default
. You will
need to have:
- The Ocean Spark cluster ID of the cluster you just created (of the
). You can find it in the Spot console in the list of clusters, or by using the Cluster List API. - A Spot token to interact with the Spot API.
The Ocean for Apache Spark connection type is not available for Airflow 1, instead create an HTTP connection and fill your cluster id as host, and your API token as password.
You will need to create a separate connection for each Ocean Spark
cluster that you want to use with Airflow. In the
, you can select which Ocean Spark connection to
use with the connection_name
argument (defaults to
). For example, you may choose to have one
Ocean Spark cluster per environment (dev, staging, prod), and you
can easily target an environment by picking the correct Airflow connection.
from ocean_spark.operators import OceanSparkOperator
# DAG creation
spark_pi_task = OceanSparkOperator(
"type": "Scala",
"sparkVersion": "3.2.0",
"image": "",
"imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
"mainClass": "org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi",
"mainApplicationFile": "local:///opt/spark/examples/jars/examples.jar",
"arguments": ["10000"],
"driver": {
"cores": 1,
"spot": false
"executor": {
"cores": 4,
"instances": 1,
"spot": true,
"instanceSelector": "r5"
from airflow import DAG, utils
from ocean_spark.operators import (
args = {
"owner": "airflow",
"depends_on_past": False,
"start_date": utils.dates.days_ago(0, second=1),
dag = DAG(dag_id="spark-connect-task", default_args=args, schedule_interval=None)
spark_pi_task = OceanSparkConnectOperator(
"sql": "select random()"
more examples are available for Airflow 2.
You can test the plugin locally using the docker compose setup in this
repository. Run make serve_airflow
at the root of the repository to
launch an instance of Airflow 2 with the provider already installed.