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Kyle Spraggs edited this page Jul 21, 2014 · 10 revisions


Routing in SpiffyFramework is handled through the SpiffyRoute component. The router is only responsible for matching the request to a dispatchable (Action).

Creating routes

By default, each package loads routes using the routes.php file in config/routes.php. Below is a simple example of the config/routes.php file.

// file: package_name/config/routes.php
// 'route_name' => ['route_path', 'Action/Service Name', ['additional options']]
return [
    'home' => ['/', 'Application\Home\IndexAction'],

Simple route

A basic route consists of a name, path, and dispatchable which can be either an action or a service.

'home' => ['/', 'Application\Home\IndexAction']

This route is named home, responds to the / and invokes Application\Home\IndexAction.

'home' => ['/', 'application.home.index']

This route is identical to the one above assuming application.home.index-action is a service definition for Application\Home\IndexAction.

Routes with tokens

Routes can include tokens which get passed to actions automatically.

Required token

'articles/view' => ['/articles/{id}']

Tokens, by default, are required. This route would respond to /articles/1 and /articles/foo but not /articles.

Token with a constraint

Routes can constrain the tokens using a regular expression.

'articles/view' => ['/articles/{id:\d+}']

This route would respond to /articles/1234 but not /articles/foo.

Optional token usage

Finally, tokens can be optional.

'articles/view' => ['/articles/{id:\d+}{-slug?}']

This route would respond to /articles/1234-foo and /articles/1234 but not /articles/foo. The ? at the end of slug denotes an optional token.

Note: The dash (-) is included inside the optional token. If it was outside the token it would be required for the route to match. e.g., /articles/1234- would match but /articles/1234 would not!

Additional Options

The last argument for creating routes is an array containing any additional options which are outlined below.

Key Description Example
defaults Allows you to assign a default value to tokens that were not given in the route. ['defaults' => ['slug' => 'foo-bar']]
methods Forces the route to match only if the HTTP method matches. ['methods' => ['get']]