The Professional phpBB Bootstrap Theme
- To get more information about the version for phpbb3.1, read this post
- Because bootstrap needs so much customization, this theme will not work with any style change done by the phpBB Automod. So you have to do any change manually! You can wait for phpBB 3.1, which will include a plugin system.
- Overview Page
- Demo
- Support (Knowledge Base, Community and Ticket support)
- Changelog
- Based on the most awesome html framework: Bootstrap 3
- Every page is completely designed for bootstrap
- Integration of Font Awesome 4
- Completle responsive
- Using Bootstrap-Select
- Beautiful light design
- Full HTML5 registration and login form
- Awesome login dropdown panel
Note! The premium edition is not yet available due to payment issues Additional to the free edition published here @github, there will be a premium version, which includes extra features:
- Easy customize the theme without any coding (e.g. profile on topic page left or right)
- WYSIWYG Editor for easy use bbcodes
- Ticket and live chat support
- Own copyright
Author: Florian Gareis ® 2015
Base style: none
Style Version: 1.0
phpBB version: phpBB 3.0.12 (3.1 later this year)
Bootstrap version: 3.3.2
Font Awesome: 4.3.0
- Support glyph and fa icon inside input
- Mix & Match Login
- Mix & Match Register
- Bootstrap-Select
- User Detail Panel
- Bootstrap Badger
- jQuery Checkbox Buttons
- HTML Editor WYSIWYG Interface
- Button with labels
- Triangle Breadcrumbs Arrows
- Alert Messages like the docs
- Collapsible Panel
- Link to top page
- WYSIWYG Editor
- Code Syntax Highlighter
- Lightbox
- Angular.js
Copyright © 2015 Florian Gareis. Licensed under the terms of the MIT License