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noisymime committed Sep 23, 2024
1 parent 4981b83 commit 662a846
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Showing 4 changed files with 24 additions and 5 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/static/static_html.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,4 +4,14 @@
String staticHTML_head()
return String("<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1\">");

String staticHTML_logo()
String response = "";
response += "<center><img width='70%' src=\"";
response += "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' preserveAspectRatio='xMidYMid meet' viewBox='0 0 18830 5580'%3E%3Cg fill='%23FFF'%3E%3Cpath d='M13040 170c-130 120-180 170-180 190s20 40 120 140c110 130 130 150 90 180-20 30-350 20-420 0-50-30-80-10-160 70l-60 60-5210 10c-5720 10-5270 0-5460 60-200 60-310 160-400 330-50 100-50 100-670 1740C-40 4860-10 4770 0 4880c20 130 130 210 380 240l670 20h600v-110c10-100 10-100 40-130l70-40c80-10 80-10 80-50v-30h-190c-670 0-880-70-870-310 0-90 10-120 160-530l800-2100c120-330 200-440 380-530 140-80 270-100 530-120l4970-10h4800l60 60 90 80c40 10 80 10 130-20l170-10h130l130 70c150 90 150 90 200 160l40 60h70l120-20 160-10c90 0 100 0 130-30l20-30h390l390-10c20 0 20-20 20-50s10-40 30-60 40-20 260-20h240l40-50c40-40 50-40 110-40 50 0 60 0 100 30l70 40 60-50c30-40 50-50 80-50 20 0 30-10 50-40l20-30h70c90 0 90 0 90-80l10-50 110 40c90 30 150 40 150 20V840l-40 10-140 30-90 40v-60l-10-70-80-10c-50-10-70-20-90-40l-50-20c-20 0-40-20-70-60-60-60-90-70-140-20-30 30-40 30-120 30-90 0-90 0-130-30l-40-30h-460l-80-100-90-90h-180c-180 0-180 0-220 20-30 30-40 30-140 30s-120 0-130-20-40-20-150-20c-150 0-150 0-150-110v-80l-90-80c-80-90-90-90-120-80-30 0-40 0-80-40l-50-40-180 170'/%3E%3Cpath d='m16720 870-60 170-50 130 390 10c690 0 870 20 980 130 80 70 100 140 70 280a58690 58690 0 01-1130 2900c-90 110-270 210-460 250-180 30-150 30-5470 40a167480 167480 0 00-5580 20h-70v-40c0-30-10-40-30-40s-50-10-60-30c-40-30-80-30-120 0l-30 20-30-30c-40-40-50-40-80 0s-60 40-90 0c-30-30-40-30-70 0s-50 40-70 10c-30-30-30-30-90 0l-40 20-30-30c-20-10-40-20-50-10h-150c-20-10-110-20-230-20l-200-10-10-30c-10-40-40-80-100-100-30-20-40-30-40-60l-20-70-20-30h-100l-110 10-20 90-20 60-70 10c-60 0-70 0-90-30l-20-20h-390l-10 30-20 30-30-30c-10-20-40-30-50-30-30 0-80 50-80 80 0 40-40 80-60 60h-70l-30 10c-10 10-20 10-30-10h-30c-10 10-10 20-30 0h-40c-10 20-20 20-30 0s-20-10-30 0-20 20-30 0h-100c-10 20-20 20-30 0h-130l-30 10-10 10-20-10c0-20-30-10-40 10l-40 20c-60 0-70 20-70 160v110l-40 10c-70 20-70 60-10 80l50 10v150c-20 40-110 30-120-10l-10-120c0-70-10-90-20-90-40-10-50 20-50 130l10 130c10 20 50 40 130 50l80 20 60 10c30 0 40 0 60 20 10 30 40 40 60 20h620c20 0 30 10 30 20 10 50 10 70 30 90 30 30 60 20 100-10l30-30 20 30 10 30h400l20-30c10-20 20-20 80-20h70l20 70 30 80 90 20c90 0 90 0 110-30 20-10 30-40 40-70 10-50 10-50 50-70 60-10 90-50 90-90l10-40 180-10 220-20 100-10c60 10 80 10 120-10l50-20 30 20 40 30 40-30c50-40 60-40 90 0s40 40 70 0 50-40 90 0l30 30 30-30 50-30 30 30 30 30 70-30 80-40c10-10 20-20 10-30v-30h80l100-20c30-10 30-10 130 10l110 20h5490c5900-10 5580 0 5790-60 230-50 360-160 460-370 20-40 120-280 210-540l350-900 310-810c470-1260 470-1260 470-1380 0-60-10-70-40-110-60-80-170-120-380-140l-890-10h-780zM2550 1860c-300 60-560 280-630 540-20 60-10 190 10 260 20 80 40 140 140 320s120 230 140 320c40 260-180 490-440 480-100-10-170-40-260-100l-70-60-60 60-140 170c10 20 110 100 160 120 160 80 420 100 640 30 150-40 280-120 390-240 130-140 190-290 190-460 0-120-20-190-90-340-190-340-240-460-200-580 20-110 120-210 240-250l120-10c80 0 150 20 220 70l30 20 30-30 180-170c0-20-140-100-210-130-100-30-260-40-390-20'/%3E%3Cpath d='M16460 1870c-300 50-570 210-810 460-250 260-420 570-480 860-20 130-20 310 10 410 30 120 70 200 150 270 130 130 250 170 480 170 140 0 220-10 340-50 390-120 800-490 980-900 140-300 190-600 140-810-60-200-210-350-410-410-90-20-290-20-400 0zm170 290c240 50 300 280 190 660-110 420-380 770-670 880-80 40-210 50-300 40-250-40-340-290-240-680 80-290 240-560 450-730 190-140 390-200 570-170zM3680 1980l-150 350-300 710-240 550-180 420h190l190-10 60-140 180-400 170-400 390-900c20-20 200-10 280 10 90 30 140 120 130 230-30 300-270 520-570 540h-40l-50 110-60 130a1140 1140 0 00 980-440c70-100 90-160 120-250 60-200 30-370-90-470-50-50-100-80-200-100-70-20-110-20-420-30h-350zm1540 420-320 740-210 480a22680 22680 0 01-170 390h1140l50-120 50-130-370-10-370-10 30-80 110-240 120-280 50-110h310l310-10 60-120 50-120-300-10-310-10 20-70 140-310 100-230h640l10-40 60-130 40-90H5430zm1640-260-330 760-80 170a234380 234380 0 01-400 940h1140l50-120 50-130-370-10-370-10 150-360 160-350h310l310-10 60-120 50-130a6070 6070 0 00-610-10v-20l130-290 120-290 330-10h320l10-40 60-130 40-90H6960zm1570-110-360 850-130 300-230 530-130 290 330 10c460 0 610-20 820-90 570-180 990-660 1110-1220 30-130 30-300 10-390-50-200-200-330-400-390-120-20-240-30-600-30h-360zm750 140a370 370 0 01 270 330c10 180-70 460-200 660l-250 280c-180 150-450 280-640 300l-280 10 180-430 340-790 170-380h170l240 20zm1340-90-210 490c-290 660-360 850-380 990-20 150 20 260 110 350 100 100 220 130 420 130 210 0 380-40 550-140 150-90 300-230 400-380a3680 3680 0 00 320-650l150-350 180-420 90-210h-340l-20 50-250 570c-260 620-340 780-430 910-130 200-260 290-440 320-150 20-260-20-310-120-20-40-20-50-20-130 10-120 40-190 360-930l170-400 80-190 30-70-190-10h-190zm2060 60-220 490a90310 90310 0 01-590 1370l190 10 190-10 60-120a50530 50530 0 01 630-1460l130-310 90-210-190-10h-190zm1030-190-200 460-690 1600h330l40-110a4954010 4954010 0 01 620-1430l40 150c50 230 190 740 250 940l80 260 50 190h140l140-10 90-200 180-410 250-580 210-480 110-260 70-170-160-10h-160l-160 360-510 1190-30-150c-60-260-230-850-350-1270l-40-130h-270'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E%0A";
response += "\"></center><br />";

return response;
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/static/static_html.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,5 +4,6 @@
#include "../globals.h"

String staticHTML_head();
String staticHTML_logo();

14 changes: 12 additions & 2 deletions src/updater.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ This file contains routines for remotely updating the LittleFS partition that co
#include "timer.h"
#include "static/static_js.h"
#include "static/static_html.h"
#include "static/static_css.h"

#include <WiFi.h>
#include <HTTPUpdate.h>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,12 +101,21 @@ String updateInProgressPage()
//Create the updates page
String updatePage = staticHTML_head();
updatePage += staticJS_updates();
updatePage += staticCSS_config();
updatePage += "</head><body onLoad=\"updateProgress()\">";
updatePage += "<div class=\"container\">";
updatePage += staticHTML_logo();
updatePage += "<input id=\"tab-1\" type=\"radio\" name=\"tabs\" class=\"tabs\" checked>";
updatePage += "<label for=\"tab-1\">Update Progress</label>";
updatePage += "<div class=\"content\">";

updatePage += "<div id=\"content-1\">";
updatePage += "Current Status: <span id=\"updateStatus\">Preparing to update</span><br/>";
updatePage += "Current Progress: <span id=\"updateComplete\"></span><br/>";
updatePage += "Update Size: <span id=\"updateSize\"></span><br/>";
updatePage += "Update Completion: <span id=\"updatePercent\"></span>%<br/>";
updatePage += "</body></html>";
updatePage += "Update Completion: <span id=\"updatePercent\"></span>%<div/>";

updatePage += "</div></div></body></html>";

return updatePage;
Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions src/web_config.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,9 +20,7 @@ String webConfigRequest(AsyncWebServerRequest *request)
response += "</head>";
response += "<body onLoad=\"getLatestGithubRelease('" + String(FIRMWARE_VERSION) + "')\">";
response += "<div class=\"container\">";
response += "<center><img width='70%' src=\"";
response += "data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' preserveAspectRatio='xMidYMid meet' viewBox='0 0 18830 5580'%3E%3Cg fill='%23FFF'%3E%3Cpath d='M13040 170c-130 120-180 170-180 190s20 40 120 140c110 130 130 150 90 180-20 30-350 20-420 0-50-30-80-10-160 70l-60 60-5210 10c-5720 10-5270 0-5460 60-200 60-310 160-400 330-50 100-50 100-670 1740C-40 4860-10 4770 0 4880c20 130 130 210 380 240l670 20h600v-110c10-100 10-100 40-130l70-40c80-10 80-10 80-50v-30h-190c-670 0-880-70-870-310 0-90 10-120 160-530l800-2100c120-330 200-440 380-530 140-80 270-100 530-120l4970-10h4800l60 60 90 80c40 10 80 10 130-20l170-10h130l130 70c150 90 150 90 200 160l40 60h70l120-20 160-10c90 0 100 0 130-30l20-30h390l390-10c20 0 20-20 20-50s10-40 30-60 40-20 260-20h240l40-50c40-40 50-40 110-40 50 0 60 0 100 30l70 40 60-50c30-40 50-50 80-50 20 0 30-10 50-40l20-30h70c90 0 90 0 90-80l10-50 110 40c90 30 150 40 150 20V840l-40 10-140 30-90 40v-60l-10-70-80-10c-50-10-70-20-90-40l-50-20c-20 0-40-20-70-60-60-60-90-70-140-20-30 30-40 30-120 30-90 0-90 0-130-30l-40-30h-460l-80-100-90-90h-180c-180 0-180 0-220 20-30 30-40 30-140 30s-120 0-130-20-40-20-150-20c-150 0-150 0-150-110v-80l-90-80c-80-90-90-90-120-80-30 0-40 0-80-40l-50-40-180 170'/%3E%3Cpath d='m16720 870-60 170-50 130 390 10c690 0 870 20 980 130 80 70 100 140 70 280a58690 58690 0 01-1130 2900c-90 110-270 210-460 250-180 30-150 30-5470 40a167480 167480 0 00-5580 20h-70v-40c0-30-10-40-30-40s-50-10-60-30c-40-30-80-30-120 0l-30 20-30-30c-40-40-50-40-80 0s-60 40-90 0c-30-30-40-30-70 0s-50 40-70 10c-30-30-30-30-90 0l-40 20-30-30c-20-10-40-20-50-10h-150c-20-10-110-20-230-20l-200-10-10-30c-10-40-40-80-100-100-30-20-40-30-40-60l-20-70-20-30h-100l-110 10-20 90-20 60-70 10c-60 0-70 0-90-30l-20-20h-390l-10 30-20 30-30-30c-10-20-40-30-50-30-30 0-80 50-80 80 0 40-40 80-60 60h-70l-30 10c-10 10-20 10-30-10h-30c-10 10-10 20-30 0h-40c-10 20-20 20-30 0s-20-10-30 0-20 20-30 0h-100c-10 20-20 20-30 0h-130l-30 10-10 10-20-10c0-20-30-10-40 10l-40 20c-60 0-70 20-70 160v110l-40 10c-70 20-70 60-10 80l50 10v150c-20 40-110 30-120-10l-10-120c0-70-10-90-20-90-40-10-50 20-50 130l10 130c10 20 50 40 130 50l80 20 60 10c30 0 40 0 60 20 10 30 40 40 60 20h620c20 0 30 10 30 20 10 50 10 70 30 90 30 30 60 20 100-10l30-30 20 30 10 30h400l20-30c10-20 20-20 80-20h70l20 70 30 80 90 20c90 0 90 0 110-30 20-10 30-40 40-70 10-50 10-50 50-70 60-10 90-50 90-90l10-40 180-10 220-20 100-10c60 10 80 10 120-10l50-20 30 20 40 30 40-30c50-40 60-40 90 0s40 40 70 0 50-40 90 0l30 30 30-30 50-30 30 30 30 30 70-30 80-40c10-10 20-20 10-30v-30h80l100-20c30-10 30-10 130 10l110 20h5490c5900-10 5580 0 5790-60 230-50 360-160 460-370 20-40 120-280 210-540l350-900 310-810c470-1260 470-1260 470-1380 0-60-10-70-40-110-60-80-170-120-380-140l-890-10h-780zM2550 1860c-300 60-560 280-630 540-20 60-10 190 10 260 20 80 40 140 140 320s120 230 140 320c40 260-180 490-440 480-100-10-170-40-260-100l-70-60-60 60-140 170c10 20 110 100 160 120 160 80 420 100 640 30 150-40 280-120 390-240 130-140 190-290 190-460 0-120-20-190-90-340-190-340-240-460-200-580 20-110 120-210 240-250l120-10c80 0 150 20 220 70l30 20 30-30 180-170c0-20-140-100-210-130-100-30-260-40-390-20'/%3E%3Cpath d='M16460 1870c-300 50-570 210-810 460-250 260-420 570-480 860-20 130-20 310 10 410 30 120 70 200 150 270 130 130 250 170 480 170 140 0 220-10 340-50 390-120 800-490 980-900 140-300 190-600 140-810-60-200-210-350-410-410-90-20-290-20-400 0zm170 290c240 50 300 280 190 660-110 420-380 770-670 880-80 40-210 50-300 40-250-40-340-290-240-680 80-290 240-560 450-730 190-140 390-200 570-170zM3680 1980l-150 350-300 710-240 550-180 420h190l190-10 60-140 180-400 170-400 390-900c20-20 200-10 280 10 90 30 140 120 130 230-30 300-270 520-570 540h-40l-50 110-60 130a1140 1140 0 00 980-440c70-100 90-160 120-250 60-200 30-370-90-470-50-50-100-80-200-100-70-20-110-20-420-30h-350zm1540 420-320 740-210 480a22680 22680 0 01-170 390h1140l50-120 50-130-370-10-370-10 30-80 110-240 120-280 50-110h310l310-10 60-120 50-120-300-10-310-10 20-70 140-310 100-230h640l10-40 60-130 40-90H5430zm1640-260-330 760-80 170a234380 234380 0 01-400 940h1140l50-120 50-130-370-10-370-10 150-360 160-350h310l310-10 60-120 50-130a6070 6070 0 00-610-10v-20l130-290 120-290 330-10h320l10-40 60-130 40-90H6960zm1570-110-360 850-130 300-230 530-130 290 330 10c460 0 610-20 820-90 570-180 990-660 1110-1220 30-130 30-300 10-390-50-200-200-330-400-390-120-20-240-30-600-30h-360zm750 140a370 370 0 01 270 330c10 180-70 460-200 660l-250 280c-180 150-450 280-640 300l-280 10 180-430 340-790 170-380h170l240 20zm1340-90-210 490c-290 660-360 850-380 990-20 150 20 260 110 350 100 100 220 130 420 130 210 0 380-40 550-140 150-90 300-230 400-380a3680 3680 0 00 320-650l150-350 180-420 90-210h-340l-20 50-250 570c-260 620-340 780-430 910-130 200-260 290-440 320-150 20-260-20-310-120-20-40-20-50-20-130 10-120 40-190 360-930l170-400 80-190 30-70-190-10h-190zm2060 60-220 490a90310 90310 0 01-590 1370l190 10 190-10 60-120a50530 50530 0 01 630-1460l130-310 90-210-190-10h-190zm1030-190-200 460-690 1600h330l40-110a4954010 4954010 0 01 620-1430l40 150c50 230 190 740 250 940l80 260 50 190h140l140-10 90-200 180-410 250-580 210-480 110-260 70-170-160-10h-160l-160 360-510 1190-30-150c-60-260-230-850-350-1270l-40-130h-270'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E%0A";
response += "\"></center><br />";
response += staticHTML_logo();
response += "<input id=\"tab-1\" type=\"radio\" name=\"tabs\" class=\"tabs\" checked>";
response += "<label for=\"tab-1\">Config</label>";
response += "<input id=\"tab-2\" type=\"radio\" name=\"tabs\" class=\"tabs\">";
Expand Down

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