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Interactive Tests

sternk edited this page Jun 10, 2014 · 2 revisions

The following things should be checked interactively for the next release 0.99. Furthermore the nightly builds should indicate no errors for all supported architectures.

Note: The example files are located in the Hets-lib repository which will be shortly migrated to github

  • check if all nodes can be proven for:
hets -g -A Calculi/Space/RCCVerification.het

Only one node is heterogeneous and needs an Isabelle proof. Make sure that the generated file RCCVerification_RCC_FO_in_MetricSpace__T.thy in the current directory is properly merged with an existing proof file. For the node ExtRCCByRCC8Rels__E2 the box "include preceding proven theorem in next proof attempt" must be checked.

  • check Edit, Proofs, Auto-DG-Prover followed by Undo works for
hets -g Basic/LinearAlgebra_II.casl
  • check if the red node Nat with the goal dichotomy_TotalOrder (after Edit, Proofs, Auto-DG-Prover) can be proven automatically with Vampire for
hets -g Basic/RelationsAndOrders.casl
  • "Check conservativity" of link from TestSuite/Conservative/Nat.casl which calls AProVE.jar and should result in "The link is mono".

  • check owl parser within the Hets repository.

hets -g -i owl OWL2/tests/wine.rdf
  • check owl conservativity checker on "Cons?" links. One link can be proven! You may always choose "Locality_BOTTOM_BOTTOM". Also check consistency using pellet und fact. Check "Concept graph" of "Taxonomy Graphs" of the four OWL nodes (that calls the pellet classifier).
hets -g Ontology/Examples/Family.het
  • check OntoDMU.jar within the Hets repository.
hets -g DMU/test/Integrated.het
hets -g -A CSL/TestData/reduceTest.het
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