Add as fee rates source (configure in Preferences)
Add historical fiat values to the transactions CSV (from Export Wallet or the Transactions tab) where an exchange source is configured
Increase and decrease maximum limit on fee rate slider where fee rate equals or exceeds current range
Add QR display (with save to PDF) to the Export Wallet > Output Descriptor option
Set non-mainnet fallback fee rates to 1 sat/vb
Switch from HttpUrlConnection to Jetty HTTP client for all external HTTP calls to avoid spurious DNS query
In Cormorant, check the wallet gap limit and increase the Bitcoin Core descriptor range if necessary
Set a smaller increment amount on the fee range slider for keyboard adjustments
Use fallback fee rate estimates if the connected server returns an error estimating fee rates
Show an error dialog on attempting CPFP where no outputs are spendable
Add Krux to the Import Wallet options
Bug fix: Set dialog minimum height to preferred height (or make it resizable) to avoid window sizing bug in some Linux environments
Bug fix: Fix transaction diagram output size indicators in transactions with non-address outputs
Bug fix: Add null safe tests for standard account types
Bug fix: In Cormorant, handle checking imports and stopping before server is started
Bug fix: Save previously used Mix To wallet index to skip used addresses if mix fails
You can’t perform that action at this time.