Discord bot for hosting tournaments and running solutions for SpaceChem (https://www.zachtronics.com/spacechem), via the SChem package (https://pypi.org/project/schem/).
SCHEM_BOT_ANNOUNCEMENTS_CHANNEL_ID=<public tournament channel ID>
SCHEM_BOT_ADMIN_ID=<user ID of bot admin; can set tournament hosts>
to a .env
file in the same directory as bot.py
See https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/discord.html for setting up the bot and getting its API token and https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/206346498-Where-can-I-find-my-User-Server-Message-ID- for getting the channel and user IDs.
python bot.py
Check the bot is running and see available commands by sending !help
in either a DM to the bot or the public channel.
Note that DMs to the bot can only be sent if you are in the same server as the bot.
Tournament files will be written to tournaments/
in the same directory as bot.py
Warning: Do not modify tournament files while the bot is running. It is recommended to setup and view info on the tournament via the corresponding bot commands.