A small, simple containerized Factorio server that supports interactive and non-interactive server commands. Suitable for local and hosted servers. Simple, low-configuration and highly customizable.
docker build -t docker-factorio .
On x86 machines:
docker run --name docker-factorio -itp 34197:34197/udp 6davids/docker-factorio
docker run --name docker-factorio -itdp 34197:34197/udp 6davids/docker-factorio # runs detached
On m1 Macs:
docker run --name docker-factorio -itp 34197:34197/udp --platform linux/amd64 6davids/docker-factorio # ctrl-c kills server
docker run --name docker-factorio -itdp 34197:34197/udp --platform linux/amd64 6davids/docker-factorio # runs detached
david@focus docker-factorio % # Hop into the container
david@focus docker-factorio % docker exec -it docker-factorio bash
root@docker-factorio:/app # Start Interactive Script
root@docker-factorio:/app ./interact.sh
250.157 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:943: updateTick(15117) received stateChanged peerID(1) oldState(ConnectedDownloadingMap) newState(ConnectedLoadingMap)
250.341 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:943: updateTick(15127) received stateChanged peerID(1) oldState(ConnectedLoadingMap) newState(TryingToCatchUp)
250.342 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:943: updateTick(15127) received stateChanged peerID(1) oldState(TryingToCatchUp) newState(WaitingForCommandToStartSendingTickClosures)
250.355 Info GameActionHandler.cpp:4996: UpdateTick (15127) processed PlayerJoinGame peerID(1) playerIndex(0) mode(connect)
250.407 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:943: updateTick(15131) received stateChanged peerID(1) oldState(WaitingForCommandToStartSendingTickClosures) newState(InGame)
2022-04-09 06:08:43 [JOIN] david joined the game
2022-04-09 06:08:51 [CHAT] <server>: sup
2022-04-09 06:09:46 [CHAT] david: lol
/kick david lol
Non-Interactive (for scripts or one-offs):
david@focus docker-factorio % # Hop into the container
david@focus docker-factorio % docker exec -it docker-factorio bash
root@docker-factorio:/app # Send commands to the server
root@docker-factorio:/app ./run-command.sh "sup"
2022-04-09 17:03:11 [CHAT] <server>: sup
root@docker-factorio:/app ./run-command.sh "/kick david lol"
2022-04-09 17:03:24 [KICK] david was kicked by <server>. Reason: lol. 1352.490 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:1061: Disconnect notification for peer (1)
Or, if you don't need to see the command output:
david@focus docker-factorio % # Hop into the container
david@focus docker-factorio % docker exec -it docker-factorio bash
root@docker-factorio:/app # Send commands to the server
root@docker-factorio:/app echo "sup" > ./factorio-server-fifo
root@docker-factorio:/app echo "/kick david lol" > ./factorio-server-fifo
The image comes with a few scripts to help managing server execution.
root@docker-factorio:/app # Hop into the container
david@focus docker-factorio % docker exec -it docker-factorio bash
root@docker-factorio:/app # Stop the factorio server
root@docker-factorio:/app ./stop-server.sh
Stopping Factorio Server...
root@docker-factorio:/app # The server starts on it's own, but you can start it again after stopping it.
root@docker-factorio:/app ./start-server.sh
Starting Factorio Server...
root@docker-factorio:/app # Cycle the server. Useful after config changes.
root@docker-factorio:/app ./restart-server.sh
Stopping Factorio Server...
Starting Factorio Server...
By default the container creates a new game and then uses it from then on. If you'd like to use your own games, create two mounts when running the container:
Drop your save files in the saves/
directory, and then enter the name of the save file you'd to use into last-game.txt
david@focus docker-factorio % cp my-cool-saved-game.zip ~/factorio-stuffs/saved-games/
david@focus docker-factorio % echo "my-cool-saved-game.zip" > ~/factorio-stuffs/last-game.txt
david@focus docker-factorio % # Start the container detached, with ports mounted, and the two binds mentioned above
david@focus docker-factorio % docker run --name docker-factorio -it \
> -d
> -p 34197:34197/udp \
> --mount type=bind,source=~/factorio-stuffs/saved-games,target=/app/factorio/saves \
> --mount type=bind,source=~/factorio-stuffs/last-game.txt,target=/app/factorio/last-game.txt \
> 6davids/docker-factorio
david@focus docker-factorio % # We're ready to go
Settings can be managed the same way that saved games are. Mount files in the default locations to populate the server configs.
- Commands to start, stop, and restart the server
- Load and backup savefiles from s3?
- Small REST API to control the server
- RCON support?
- Create settings examples
- Kubernetes boilerplate configs
- Github action to build and push automatically with new factorio updates