First and most important, you'll need to get a Client ID from SoundCloud. If you haven't got one already, just register an app on the SoundCloud Apps page.
Include the plugin in your HTML code:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="scripts/"></script>
and then, initialize it:
var api = $.sc.api('Enter your Client ID here');
or handle the successful authorization yourself:
var api = $.sc.api('Enter your Client ID here', {
onAuthSuccess: function(user, container) {
alert('you are SoundCloud user ' + user.username);
also instead of passing the callbacks you can use the custom events:
var api = $.sc.api('Enter your Client ID here');
$(document).bind($, function(event) {
var user = event.user;
// do something with the user object or call the api
api.get('/me/tracks', function(tracks) {
Please refer to the wiki for full documentation.