The wavinfo
package allows you to probe WAVE and RF64/WAVE files and extract extended metadata, with an emphasis on film, video and professional music production metadata.
- Broadcast-WAVE metadata, including embedded program loudness and coding history and SMPTE UMID.
- ADM track metadata, including channel, pack formats, object and content names.
- iXML production recorder metadata, including project, scene, and take tags, recorder notes and file family information.
- Most of the common RIFF INFO metadata fields.
- The wav format is also parsed, so you can access the basic sample rate and channel count information.
In progress:
- Dolby RMU metadata and EBU Tech 3285 Supplement 6.
- Pro Tools embedded regions.
- iXML
sound library attributes.
The entry point for wavinfo is the WavInfoReader class.
from wavinfo import WavInfoReader
path = '../tests/test_files/A101_1.WAV'
info = WavInfoReader(path)
adm_metadata = info.adm
ixml_metadata = info.ixml
The package also installs a shell command:
$ wavinfo test_files/A101_1.WAV
- For other file formats and ID3 decoding, look at audio-metadata.