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add LogTime to logging for improved time tracking during session loading
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soulomoon committed Nov 18, 2024
1 parent beb1764 commit 6139522
Showing 1 changed file with 33 additions and 25 deletions.
58 changes: 33 additions & 25 deletions ghcide/session-loader/Development/IDE/Session.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -155,10 +155,12 @@ data Log
| LogSessionReloadOnError FilePath ![FilePath]
| LogGetOptionsLoop !FilePath
| LogLookupSessionCache !FilePath
| LogTime !String
deriving instance Show Log

instance Pretty Log where
pretty = \case
LogTime s -> "Time:" <+> pretty s
LogLookupSessionCache path -> "Looking up session cache for" <+> pretty path
LogGetOptionsLoop fp -> "Loop: getOptions for" <+> pretty fp
LogSessionReloadOnError path files ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -582,7 +584,6 @@ loadSessionWithOptions recorder SessionLoadingOptions{..} rootDir que = do

let flags_map' = HM.fromList (concatMap toFlagsMap all_targets')
all_targets' = concat all_target_details
newLoaded = HM.keys flags_map'
this_dep_info <- getDependencyInfo $ maybeToList hieYaml
let (all_targets, this_flags_map, this_options)
= case HM.lookup _cfp flags_map' of
Expand All @@ -599,9 +600,11 @@ loadSessionWithOptions recorder SessionLoadingOptions{..} rootDir que = do

let insertAll m xs = mapM_ (flip (uncurry STM.insert) m) xs
newLoaded = Set.fromList $ fromNormalizedFilePath <$> HM.keys this_flags_map
atomically $ do
STM.insert this_flags_map hieYaml fileToFlags
insertAll filesMap $ map ((hieYaml,) . fst) $ concatMap toFlagsMap all_targets
forM_ newLoaded $ flip S.delete pendingFileSet

-- Typecheck all files in the project on startup
checkProject <- getCheckProject
Expand All @@ -621,9 +624,9 @@ loadSessionWithOptions recorder SessionLoadingOptions{..} rootDir que = do
let !exportsMap' = createExportsMap $ mapMaybe (fmap hirModIface) modIfaces
liftIO $ atomically $ modifyTVar' (exportsMap shakeExtras) (exportsMap' <>)
return [keys1, keys2]
return $ (this_options, Set.fromList $ fromNormalizedFilePath <$> newLoaded)
return $ (this_options, newLoaded)

Check warning on line 627 in ghcide/session-loader/Development/IDE/Session.hs

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Suggestion in loadSessionWithOptions in module Development.IDE.Session: Redundant $ ▫︎ Found: "return $ (this_options, newLoaded)" ▫︎ Perhaps: "return (this_options, newLoaded)"

let consultCradle :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (IdeResult HscEnvEq, DependencyInfo)
let consultCradle :: Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
consultCradle hieYaml cfp = do
let lfpLog = makeRelative rootDir cfp
logWith recorder Info $ LogCradlePath lfpLog
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -658,32 +661,36 @@ loadSessionWithOptions recorder SessionLoadingOptions{..} rootDir que = do
-- The cradle gave us some options so get to work turning them
-- into and HscEnv.
Right (opts, libDir, version) -> do
let ncfp = toNormalizedFilePath' cfp
let compileTime = fullCompilerVersion
case reverse $ readP_to_S parseVersion version of
[] -> error $ "GHC version could not be parsed: " <> version
((runTime, _):_)
| compileTime == runTime -> do
(results, allNewLoaded) <- session (hieYaml, toNormalizedFilePath' cfp, opts, libDir)
-- delete cfp even if we report No cradle target found for the cfp
(_results, allNewLoaded) <- session (hieYaml, ncfp, opts, libDir)
let newLoaded = pendingFiles `Set.intersection` allNewLoaded
-- delete all new loaded
atomically $ forM_ allNewLoaded $ flip S.delete pendingFileSet
-- log new loaded files
logWith recorder Info $ LogSessionNewLoadedFiles $ Set.toList newLoaded
-- remove all new loaded file from error loading files
atomicModifyIORef' error_loading_files (\old -> (old `Set.difference` allNewLoaded, ()))
atomicModifyIORef' cradle_files (\xs -> (newLoaded <> xs,()))

Check warning on line 676 in ghcide/session-loader/Development/IDE/Session.hs

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Warning in loadSessionWithOptions in module Development.IDE.Session: Use atomicModifyIORef'_ ▫︎ Found: "atomicModifyIORef' cradle_files (\\ xs -> (newLoaded <> xs, ()))" ▫︎ Perhaps: "atomicModifyIORef'_ cradle_files ((<>) newLoaded)"
return results
| otherwise -> do
-- delete cfp from pending files
atomically $ S.delete cfp pendingFileSet
return (([renderPackageSetupException cfp GhcVersionMismatch{..}], Nothing),Map.empty)
atomically $ do
STM.focus (Focus.insertOrMerge HM.union
(HM.singleton ncfp (([renderPackageSetupException cfp GhcVersionMismatch{..}], Nothing), mempty)))
hieYaml fileToFlags
STM.insert hieYaml ncfp filesMap
S.delete cfp pendingFileSet
-- Failure case, either a cradle error or the none cradle
Left err -> do
let attemptToLoadFiles = (Set.delete cfp $ Set.fromList $ concatMap cradleErrorLoadingFiles err)
`Set.difference` old_files
if (not $ null attemptToLoadFiles)

Check warning on line 689 in ghcide/session-loader/Development/IDE/Session.hs

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GitHub Actions / Hlint check run

Suggestion in loadSessionWithOptions in module Development.IDE.Session: Redundant bracket ▫︎ Found: "if (not $ null attemptToLoadFiles) then\n do let failedLoadingFiles = (Set.insert cfp attemptToLoadFiles)\n atomicModifyIORef'\n error_loading_files (\\ xs -> (failedLoadingFiles <> xs, ()))\n logWith recorder Info\n $ LogSessionReloadOnError cfp (Set.toList attemptToLoadFiles)\n consultCradle hieYaml cfp\nelse\n do dep_info <- getDependencyInfo\n ((maybeToList hieYaml) ++ concatMap cradleErrorDependencies err)\n let ncfp = toNormalizedFilePath' cfp\n let res\n = (map (\\ err' -> renderCradleError err' cradle ncfp) err, Nothing)\n atomicModifyIORef'\n error_loading_files (\\ xs -> (Set.insert cfp xs, ()))\n atomically\n $ do STM.focus\n (Focus.insertOrMerge HM.union (HM.singleton ncfp (res, dep_info)))\n hieYaml fileToFlags\n STM.insert hieYaml ncfp filesMap\n S.delete cfp pendingFileSet" ▫︎ Perhaps: "if not $ null attemptToLoadFiles then\n do let failedLoadingFiles = (Set.insert cfp attemptToLoadFiles)\n atomicModifyIORef'\n error_loading_files (\\ xs -> (failedLoadingFiles <> xs, ()))\n logWith recorder Info\n $ LogSessionReloadOnError cfp (Set.toList attemptToLoadFiles)\n consultCradle hieYaml cfp\nelse\n do dep_info <- getDependencyInfo\n ((maybeToList hieYaml) ++ concatMap cradleErrorDependencies err)\n let ncfp = toNormalizedFilePath' cfp\n let res\n = (map (\\ err' -> renderCradleError err' cradle ncfp) err, Nothing)\n atomicModifyIORef'\n error_loading_files (\\ xs -> (Set.insert cfp xs, ()))\n atomically\n $ do STM.focus\n (Focus.insertOrMerge HM.union (HM.singleton ncfp (res, dep_info)))\n hieYaml fileToFlags\n STM.insert hieYaml ncfp filesMap\n S.delete cfp pendingFileSet"

then do
-- we are loading more files and failed, we need to retry

-- mark as less loaded files as failedLoadingFiles as possible
-- limitation is that when we are loading files, and the dependencies of old_files
-- are changed, and old_files are not valid anymore.
Expand All @@ -695,16 +702,16 @@ loadSessionWithOptions recorder SessionLoadingOptions{..} rootDir que = do
logWith recorder Info $ LogSessionReloadOnError cfp (Set.toList attemptToLoadFiles)
consultCradle hieYaml cfp
else do
-- we are only loading this file and it failed
dep_info <- getDependencyInfo ((maybeToList hieYaml) ++ concatMap cradleErrorDependencies err)

Check warning on line 706 in ghcide/session-loader/Development/IDE/Session.hs

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GitHub Actions / Hlint check run

Suggestion in loadSessionWithOptions in module Development.IDE.Session: Redundant bracket ▫︎ Found: "(maybeToList hieYaml) ++ concatMap cradleErrorDependencies err" ▫︎ Perhaps: "maybeToList hieYaml ++ concatMap cradleErrorDependencies err"
let ncfp = toNormalizedFilePath' cfp
let res = (map (\err' -> renderCradleError err' cradle ncfp) err, Nothing)
-- remove cfp from pending files
atomically $ S.delete cfp pendingFileSet
atomicModifyIORef' error_loading_files (\xs -> (Set.insert cfp xs,()))

Check warning on line 710 in ghcide/session-loader/Development/IDE/Session.hs

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GitHub Actions / Hlint check run

Warning in loadSessionWithOptions in module Development.IDE.Session: Use atomicModifyIORef'_ ▫︎ Found: "atomicModifyIORef'\n error_loading_files (\\ xs -> (Set.insert cfp xs, ()))" ▫︎ Perhaps: "atomicModifyIORef'_ error_loading_files (Set.insert cfp)"
atomically $ do
STM.focus (Focus.insertOrMerge HM.union (HM.singleton ncfp (res, dep_info))) hieYaml fileToFlags
STM.insert hieYaml ncfp filesMap
atomicModifyIORef' error_loading_files (\xs -> (Set.insert cfp xs,()))
return (res, dep_info)
STM.insert hieYaml ncfp filesMap
S.delete cfp pendingFileSet

-- | We allow users to specify a loading strategy.
Expand All @@ -727,7 +734,7 @@ loadSessionWithOptions recorder SessionLoadingOptions{..} rootDir que = do
-- This caches the mapping from hie.yaml + Mod.hs -> [String]
-- Returns the Ghc session and the cradle dependencies
let sessionOpts :: (Maybe FilePath, FilePath)
-> IO (IdeResult HscEnvEq, DependencyInfo)
-> IO ()
sessionOpts (hieYaml, file) = do
Extra.whenM didSessionLoadingPreferenceConfigChange $ do
logWith recorder Info LogSessionLoadingChanged
Expand All @@ -744,10 +751,9 @@ loadSessionWithOptions recorder SessionLoadingOptions{..} rootDir que = do

v <- atomically $ fromMaybe HM.empty <$> STM.lookup hieYaml fileToFlags
case HM.lookup (toNormalizedFilePath' file) v of
Just (opts, old_di) -> do
Just (_opts, old_di) -> do
deps_ok <- checkDependencyInfo old_di
if not deps_ok
then do
when (not deps_ok) $ do
-- if deps are old, we can try to load the error files again
atomicModifyIORef' error_loading_files (\xs -> (Set.delete file xs,()))
atomicModifyIORef' cradle_files (\xs -> (Set.delete file xs,()))
Expand All @@ -759,7 +765,6 @@ loadSessionWithOptions recorder SessionLoadingOptions{..} rootDir que = do
-- Keep the same name cache
modifyVar_ hscEnvs (return . Map.adjust (const []) hieYaml )
consultCradle hieYaml file
else return (opts, old_di)
Nothing -> consultCradle hieYaml file

let checkInCache ::NormalizedFilePath -> STM (Maybe (IdeResult HscEnvEq, DependencyInfo))
Expand All @@ -772,24 +777,27 @@ loadSessionWithOptions recorder SessionLoadingOptions{..} rootDir que = do
-- at a time. Therefore the IORef contains the currently running cradle, if we try
-- to get some more options then we wait for the currently running action to finish
-- before attempting to do so.
let getOptions :: FilePath -> IO (IdeResult HscEnvEq, DependencyInfo)
let getOptions :: FilePath -> IO ()
getOptions file = do
let ncfp = toNormalizedFilePath' file
cachedHieYamlLocation <- atomically $ STM.lookup ncfp filesMap
hieYaml <- cradleLoc file
let hieLoc = join cachedHieYamlLocation <|> hieYaml
result <- sessionOpts (hieLoc, file) `Safe.catch` \e -> do
sessionOpts (hieLoc, file) `Safe.catch` \e -> do
dep <- getDependencyInfo $ maybe [] pure hieYaml
return (([renderPackageSetupException file e], Nothing), dep)
atomically $ STM.focus (Focus.insertOrMerge HM.union (HM.singleton ncfp result)) hieLoc fileToFlags
return result
let errorResult = (([renderPackageSetupException file e], Nothing), dep)
atomically $ do
STM.focus (Focus.insertOrMerge HM.union (HM.singleton ncfp errorResult)) hieLoc fileToFlags
STM.insert hieYaml ncfp filesMap
-- delete file from pending files
S.delete file pendingFileSet

let getOptionsLoop :: IO ()
getOptionsLoop = do
-- Get the next file to load
absFile <- atomically $ S.readQueue pendingFileSet
logWith recorder Info (LogGetOptionsLoop absFile)
void $ getOptions absFile
getOptions absFile

-- | Given a file, this function will return the HscEnv and the dependencies
Expand Down

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