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soulomoon committed Apr 5, 2024
1 parent 1cdf1fc commit 4f33387
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Showing 19 changed files with 230 additions and 229 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion ghcide/ghcide.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -388,7 +388,6 @@ test-suite ghcide-tests
Expand Down
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions ghcide/test/data/hover/Bar.hs

This file was deleted.

6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions ghcide/test/data/hover/Foo.hs

This file was deleted.

70 changes: 0 additions & 70 deletions ghcide/test/data/hover/GotoHover.hs

This file was deleted.

18 changes: 0 additions & 18 deletions ghcide/test/data/hover/RecordDotSyntax.hs

This file was deleted.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion ghcide/test/data/hover/hie.yaml

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions ghcide/test/exe/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ import BootTests
import RootUriTests
import AsyncTests
import ClientSettingsTests
import ReferenceTests
import GarbageCollectionTests
import ExceptionTests

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,7 +107,6 @@ main = do
, RootUriTests.tests
, AsyncTests.tests
, ClientSettingsTests.tests
, ReferenceTests.tests
, GarbageCollectionTests.tests
, HieDbRetry.tests
, ExceptionTests.tests recorder logger
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions haskell-language-server.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1665,6 +1665,7 @@ test-suite hls-core-plugin-tests

Expand All @@ -1690,6 +1691,8 @@ test-suite hls-core-plugin-tests
, extra
, hls-test-utils
, regex-tdfa
, directory
, tasty-expected-failure

Expand Down
152 changes: 81 additions & 71 deletions hls-test-utils/src/Test/Hls.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ module Test.Hls
-- * Running HLS for integration tests
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -368,6 +369,86 @@ initialiseTestRecorder envVars = do
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- Run an HLS server testing a specific plugin
-- ------------------------------------------------------------
class TestRunner cont res where
runSessionWithServerInTmpDir :: Pretty b => Config -> PluginTestDescriptor b -> VirtualFileTree -> cont -> IO res
runSessionWithServerInTmpDir config plugin tree act = do
recorder <- pluginTestRecorder
runSessionWithServerInTmpDir' (plugin recorder) config def fullCaps tree act
runSessionWithServerAndCapsInTmpDir :: Pretty b => Config -> PluginTestDescriptor b -> ClientCapabilities -> VirtualFileTree -> cont -> IO res
runSessionWithServerAndCapsInTmpDir config plugin caps tree act = do
recorder <- pluginTestRecorder
runSessionWithServerInTmpDir' (plugin recorder) config def caps tree act

-- | Host a server, and run a test session on it.
-- Creates a temporary directory, and materializes the VirtualFileTree
-- in the temporary directory.
-- To debug test cases and verify the file system is correctly set up,
-- you should set the environment variable 'HLS_TEST_HARNESS_NO_TESTDIR_CLEANUP=1'.
-- Further, we log the temporary directory location on startup. To view
-- the logs, set the environment variable 'HLS_TEST_HARNESS_STDERR=1'.
-- Example invocation to debug test cases:
-- @
-- @
-- Don't forget to use 'TASTY_PATTERN' to debug only a subset of tests.
-- For plugin test logs, look at the documentation of 'mkPluginTestDescriptor'.
-- Note: cwd will be shifted into a temporary directory in @Session a@
runSessionWithServerInTmpDir' ::
-- | Plugins to load on the server.
-- For improved logging, make sure these plugins have been initalised with
-- the recorder produced by @pluginTestRecorder@.
IdePlugins IdeState ->
-- | lsp config for the server
Config ->
-- | config for the test session
SessionConfig ->
ClientCapabilities ->
VirtualFileTree ->
cont -> IO res
runSessionWithServerInTmpDir' plugins conf sessConf caps tree act = withLock lockForTempDirs $ do
testRoot <- setupTestEnvironment
(recorder, _) <- initialiseTestRecorder

-- Do not clean up the temporary directory if this variable is set to anything but '0'.
-- Aids debugging.
let runTestInDir action = case cleanupTempDir of
Just val | val /= "0" -> do
(tempDir, _) <- newTempDirWithin testRoot
a <- action tempDir
logWith recorder Debug LogNoCleanup
pure a

_ -> do
(tempDir, cleanup) <- newTempDirWithin testRoot
a <- action tempDir `finally` cleanup
logWith recorder Debug LogCleanup
pure a

runTestInDir $ \tmpDir -> do
logWith recorder Info $ LogTestDir tmpDir
fs <- FS.materialiseVFT tmpDir tree
runSessionWithServer' plugins conf sessConf caps tmpDir (contToSessionRes fs act)
contToSessionRes :: FileSystem -> cont -> Session res

instance TestRunner (Session a) a where
contToSessionRes _ act = act

instance TestRunner (FileSystem -> Session a) a where
contToSessionRes fs act = act fs

runSessionWithServer :: Pretty b => Config -> PluginTestDescriptor b -> FilePath -> Session a -> IO a
runSessionWithServer config plugin fp act = do
Expand All @@ -379,77 +460,6 @@ runSessionWithServerAndCaps config plugin caps fp act = do
recorder <- pluginTestRecorder
runSessionWithServer' (plugin recorder) config def caps fp act

runSessionWithServerInTmpDir :: Pretty b => Config -> PluginTestDescriptor b -> VirtualFileTree -> Session a -> IO a
runSessionWithServerInTmpDir config plugin tree act = do
recorder <- pluginTestRecorder
runSessionWithServerInTmpDir' (plugin recorder) config def fullCaps tree act

runSessionWithServerAndCapsInTmpDir :: Pretty b => Config -> PluginTestDescriptor b -> ClientCapabilities -> VirtualFileTree -> Session a -> IO a
runSessionWithServerAndCapsInTmpDir config plugin caps tree act = do
recorder <- pluginTestRecorder
runSessionWithServerInTmpDir' (plugin recorder) config def caps tree act

-- | Host a server, and run a test session on it.
-- Creates a temporary directory, and materializes the VirtualFileTree
-- in the temporary directory.
-- To debug test cases and verify the file system is correctly set up,
-- you should set the environment variable 'HLS_TEST_HARNESS_NO_TESTDIR_CLEANUP=1'.
-- Further, we log the temporary directory location on startup. To view
-- the logs, set the environment variable 'HLS_TEST_HARNESS_STDERR=1'.
-- Example invocation to debug test cases:
-- @
-- @
-- Don't forget to use 'TASTY_PATTERN' to debug only a subset of tests.
-- For plugin test logs, look at the documentation of 'mkPluginTestDescriptor'.
-- Note: cwd will be shifted into a temporary directory in @Session a@
runSessionWithServerInTmpDir' ::
-- | Plugins to load on the server.
-- For improved logging, make sure these plugins have been initalised with
-- the recorder produced by @pluginTestRecorder@.
IdePlugins IdeState ->
-- | lsp config for the server
Config ->
-- | config for the test session
SessionConfig ->
ClientCapabilities ->
VirtualFileTree ->
Session a ->
IO a
runSessionWithServerInTmpDir' plugins conf sessConf caps tree act = withLock lockForTempDirs $ do
testRoot <- setupTestEnvironment
(recorder, _) <- initialiseTestRecorder

-- Do not clean up the temporary directory if this variable is set to anything but '0'.
-- Aids debugging.
let runTestInDir action = case cleanupTempDir of
Just val
| val /= "0" -> do
(tempDir, _) <- newTempDirWithin testRoot
a <- action tempDir
logWith recorder Debug LogNoCleanup
pure a

_ -> do
(tempDir, cleanup) <- newTempDirWithin testRoot
a <- action tempDir `finally` cleanup
logWith recorder Debug LogCleanup
pure a

runTestInDir $ \tmpDir -> do
logWith recorder Info $ LogTestDir tmpDir
_fs <- FS.materialiseVFT tmpDir tree
runSessionWithServer' plugins conf sessConf caps tmpDir act

-- | Setup the test environment for isolated tests.
Expand Down
26 changes: 20 additions & 6 deletions hls-test-utils/src/Test/Hls/FileSystem.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ module Test.Hls.FileSystem
, directory
, text
, ref
, copyDir
-- * Cradle helpers
, directCradle
, simpleCabalCradle
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ data VirtualFileTree =
data FileTree
= File FilePath Content
| Directory FilePath [FileTree]
| CopiedDirectory FilePath
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

data Content
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,12 +101,15 @@ materialise rootDir' fileTree testDataDir' = do
rootDir = FP.normalise rootDir'

persist :: FilePath -> FileTree -> IO ()
persist fp (File name cts) = case cts of
Inline txt -> T.writeFile (fp </> name) txt
Ref path -> copyFile (testDataDir </> FP.normalise path) (fp </> takeFileName name)
persist fp (Directory name nodes) = do
createDirectory (fp </> name)
mapM_ (persist (fp </> name)) nodes
persist root (File name cts) = case cts of
Inline txt -> T.writeFile (root </> name) txt
Ref path -> copyFile (testDataDir </> FP.normalise path) (root </> takeFileName name)
persist root (Directory name nodes) = do
createDirectory (root </> name)
mapM_ (persist (root </> name)) nodes
persist root (CopiedDirectory name) = do
nodes <- copyDir' testDataDir' name
mapM_ (persist root) nodes

traverse_ (persist rootDir) fileTree
pure $ FileSystem rootDir fileTree testDataDir
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,6 +159,15 @@ file fp cts = File fp cts
copy :: FilePath -> FileTree
copy fp = File fp (Ref fp)

copyDir :: FilePath -> FileTree
copyDir dir = CopiedDirectory dir

-- | Copy a directory into a test project.
copyDir' :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [FileTree]
copyDir' root dir = do
files <- listDirectory (root </> dir)
traverse (\f -> pure $ copy (dir </> f)) files

directory :: FilePath -> [FileTree] -> FileTree
directory name nodes = Directory name nodes

Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions plugins/hls-core-plugin/test/CoreTest.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import qualified FindDefinitionAndHoverTests
import qualified HighlightTests
import qualified InitializeResponseTests
import qualified OutlineTests
import qualified ReferenceTests
import Test.Hls (defaultTestRunner, testGroup)

Expand All @@ -21,4 +22,5 @@ main =
, CompletionTests.tests
, HighlightTests.tests
, FindDefinitionAndHoverTests.tests
, ReferenceTests.tests

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